Today, more and more Americans are no longer dependent on painkillers or scalpel to fight chronic joint pain, but instead is an ancient Chinese therapy of acupuncture and herb. Over tens of millions of Americans have tried acupuncture to cure, and this figure is rising year by year because Acupuncture works!!
Today, more and more Americans are no longer dependent on painkillers or scalpel to fight chronic joint pain, but instead is an ancient Chinese therapy of acupuncture and herb. Over tens of millions of Americans have tried acupuncture to cure, and this figure is rising year by year because Acupuncture works!!
Although I can treat most things, my specialty is women's health. I treat women with menstrual cycle irregularities, PMS, PCOS, Endometriosis, Infertility, during pregnancy and postpartum.
Although I can treat most things, my specialty is women's health. I treat women with menstrual cycle irregularities, PMS, PCOS, Endometriosis, Infertility, during pregnancy and postpartum.
We specialize in correcting health problems by normalizing blood flow and nerve function to the diseased areas of the body.
We specialize in correcting health problems by normalizing blood flow and nerve function to the diseased areas of the body.
Before opening my own practice in Folsom, I worked at a busy acupuncture clinic for 4 years where we saw average 55 patients per day. It was precious experience for me as I was able to see and treat various medical conditions from the age of one-month-old babies to over 100-years-old elders.
In Japan, acupuncture has been used extensively to treat childhood ailments. For youger childrens, I use special pediatric tools that developed about 300 years ago in Japan. Childrens, actually, respond better and faster than adults due to their sensitivity.
Before opening my own practice in Folsom, I worked at a busy acupuncture clinic for 4 years where we saw average 55 patients per day. It was precious experience for me as I was able to see and treat various medical conditions from the age of one-month-old babies to over 100-years-old elders.
In Japan, acupuncture has been used extensively to treat childhood ailments. For youger childrens, I use special pediatric tools that developed about 300 years ago in Japan. Childrens, actually, respond better and faster than adults due to their sensitivity.
Your health is my passion. I believe strongly in the power of Traditional Asian Medicine and have spent the last 17 years pursuing knowledge and experience of this incredible medicine. Whatever your health pursuits are, This medicine has answers for you. I look forward to the opportunity of working with you.
Your health is my passion. I believe strongly in the power of Traditional Asian Medicine and have spent the last 17 years pursuing knowledge and experience of this incredible medicine. Whatever your health pursuits are, This medicine has answers for you. I look forward to the opportunity of working with you.
panning over 30 years of cumulative experience, Bird Lew's methodology comprises a tapestry of varied disciplines. Her own personal journey to heal injuries and imbalances, led to a broad-range of studies in complementary therapies, including that of movement study moving over stone-one of many effective methods she draws from to treat her patients. Bird Lew's treatment philosophy is greatly influenced by many thought leaders including: Lynda Ceasara, a senior student of Lauren Berry regarding soft tissue alignment, Matt Callison, L.Ac in his interpretation of releasing Trigger Points, and Darren Starwyn inventor of the Acutron.
panning over 30 years of cumulative experience, Bird Lew's methodology comprises a tapestry of varied disciplines. Her own personal journey to heal injuries and imbalances, led to a broad-range of studies in complementary therapies, including that of movement study moving over stone-one of many effective methods she draws from to treat her patients. Bird Lew's treatment philosophy is greatly influenced by many thought leaders including: Lynda Ceasara, a senior student of Lauren Berry regarding soft tissue alignment, Matt Callison, L.Ac in his interpretation of releasing Trigger Points, and Darren Starwyn inventor of the Acutron.
People find me when they get to the point they need help and support and want to address their issues with the powerful natural healing that acupuncture and herbs and supplements can provide. Often they are lost and fed up with conventional methods. It's my goal to not only provide excellent transformative treatments with my acupuncture and accompanying manual therapies like acupressure and cupping and reflexology but I also share my expertise and advice from the perspective of Chinese medicine and ongoing research.
People find me when they get to the point they need help and support and want to address their issues with the powerful natural healing that acupuncture and herbs and supplements can provide. Often they are lost and fed up with conventional methods. It's my goal to not only provide excellent transformative treatments with my acupuncture and accompanying manual therapies like acupressure and cupping and reflexology but I also share my expertise and advice from the perspective of Chinese medicine and ongoing research.
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My goal is to find out exactly what you need to eat or avoid to overcome your health challenges. Every person is unique and what works for one person is not the answer for someone else. This is even the case when people have the same diagnosis, whether it's digestive issues, auto-immune disease, infertility, insomnia, asthma or cancer. Using Chinese Astrology, I will design a personalized diet for you, not a one-size fits all approach. You will also receive advice on exercise, both the type and the intensity. You will learn exactly what will work for your body to heal symptoms and many long-standing health problems.
My goal is to find out exactly what you need to eat or avoid to overcome your health challenges. Every person is unique and what works for one person is not the answer for someone else. This is even the case when people have the same diagnosis, whether it's digestive issues, auto-immune disease, infertility, insomnia, asthma or cancer. Using Chinese Astrology, I will design a personalized diet for you, not a one-size fits all approach. You will also receive advice on exercise, both the type and the intensity. You will learn exactly what will work for your body to heal symptoms and many long-standing health problems.
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I’m looking for patients who seek to actively collaborate on improving their quality of life and preventing future illness. As a practitioner with many years of experience, I will listen to your story with care and compassion. Together we’ll assess your health situation and develop a plan for your treatment and healing. I define healing as your body's innate ability to respond to the constant processes of change and continuously heal itself. This principle is at the core of Eastern and holistic medicine.
I’m looking for patients who seek to actively collaborate on improving their quality of life and preventing future illness. As a practitioner with many years of experience, I will listen to your story with care and compassion. Together we’ll assess your health situation and develop a plan for your treatment and healing. I define healing as your body's innate ability to respond to the constant processes of change and continuously heal itself. This principle is at the core of Eastern and holistic medicine.
Acupuncture in Placer County - is it right for me?
Acupuncture is based on the concepts of oriental medicine or traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and is one of the oldest healing practices in the world. Placer County acupuncturists are health care professionals who evaluate and treat the many conditions, aches and pains that respond to acupuncture.
Acupuncturists insert very fine acupuncture needles into the body. The purpose of the needles is to stimulate acupuncture points or meridians. The needles do not inject any substance into your body and are so fine as to be virtually impossible to feel. In some cases, acupuncture may be accompanied by electrical stimulation or the burning of moxa, a form of heat therapy. Or use acupressure, where physical pressure is applied by hand or elbow to trigger points with the aim of clearing blockages in these meridians.
'Accupuncture' and 'Accupuncturist' are common mis-spellings.
Acupuncturists insert very fine acupuncture needles into the body. The purpose of the needles is to stimulate acupuncture points or meridians. The needles do not inject any substance into your body and are so fine as to be virtually impossible to feel. In some cases, acupuncture may be accompanied by electrical stimulation or the burning of moxa, a form of heat therapy. Or use acupressure, where physical pressure is applied by hand or elbow to trigger points with the aim of clearing blockages in these meridians.
'Accupuncture' and 'Accupuncturist' are common mis-spellings.
Credentials for Placer County licensed acupuncturists?
A licensed acupuncturist in Placer County needs a minimum of two years college education and must complete three years of professional training and pass the State's approved licensing examination. The three year program includes both theory and hands-on clinical practice. Most States' professional training programs are accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (ACAOM) and by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM).