Acupuncturists in 20878
Wei Zhao is a Chinese Physician having practiced Acupuncture, herb and Internal Medicine in Shanghai since 1988. She offers free initial consultation to people who have no health insurance. Wei Zhao graduated from Medical School in Shanghai and is a Board Certified Diplomate in Acupuncture from the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). She is also certified by the Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine in Clean Needle Technique. Wei Zhao teaches continuing education classes for Acupuncturists to renew their license. Her strong medical knowledge, experience, integrity and caring personality makes her practice safe and efficient.
Wei Zhao is a Chinese Physician having practiced Acupuncture, herb and Internal Medicine in Shanghai since 1988. She offers free initial consultation to people who have no health insurance. Wei Zhao graduated from Medical School in Shanghai and is a Board Certified Diplomate in Acupuncture from the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). She is also certified by the Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine in Clean Needle Technique. Wei Zhao teaches continuing education classes for Acupuncturists to renew their license. Her strong medical knowledge, experience, integrity and caring personality makes her practice safe and efficient.
In 2004, Beth Grubb Li received her Masters of Acupuncture degree at The Maryland University of Integrated Health in Maryland. She worked in private practice in Laurel for 14 years and currently has an office in Gaithersburg, Maryland and Germantown, Maryland. Beth is a certified Acupuncture Detoxification Specialist through the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association. Beth is also a member of the Maryland Acupuncture Society and a member of the National Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Alliance. Additionally, she is a Certified Animal Acupuncturist and enjoys treating people and pets.
In 2004, Beth Grubb Li received her Masters of Acupuncture degree at The Maryland University of Integrated Health in Maryland. She worked in private practice in Laurel for 14 years and currently has an office in Gaithersburg, Maryland and Germantown, Maryland. Beth is a certified Acupuncture Detoxification Specialist through the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association. Beth is also a member of the Maryland Acupuncture Society and a member of the National Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Alliance. Additionally, she is a Certified Animal Acupuncturist and enjoys treating people and pets.
As a longtime acupuncture practitioner and brain research scientist in the Greater Washington DC Area, besides treating acupuncture indications, Changping Yao provides innovative therapies to treat PTSD, Parkinson's disease, cancers and the other complications.
As a longtime acupuncture practitioner and brain research scientist in the Greater Washington DC Area, besides treating acupuncture indications, Changping Yao provides innovative therapies to treat PTSD, Parkinson's disease, cancers and the other complications.
Winner of 2008-2009 Lifetime Medical Achievement Award, 40+ experience and one of the leading acupuncturist in MD,DC and VA. With a family tradition rooted in generations of esteemed Chinese medicine doctors. Under the tutelage of his parents, grandparents, and other masters, Houng King began his professional training in China in early childhood. His expertise in traditional Chinese acupuncture as well as his proficiency in formulating customized herbal remedies are powerful tools used to help his patients heal. Houng King holds a doctorate in Traditional Chinese Medicine and for over 20 years has had great success in treating chronic or acute pain, fatigue, stress, insomnia, allergies, respiratory and gastrointestinal conditions, migraine headaches, sexual disorders, weight management as well as addiction.
Winner of 2008-2009 Lifetime Medical Achievement Award, 40+ experience and one of the leading acupuncturist in MD,DC and VA. With a family tradition rooted in generations of esteemed Chinese medicine doctors. Under the tutelage of his parents, grandparents, and other masters, Houng King began his professional training in China in early childhood. His expertise in traditional Chinese acupuncture as well as his proficiency in formulating customized herbal remedies are powerful tools used to help his patients heal. Houng King holds a doctorate in Traditional Chinese Medicine and for over 20 years has had great success in treating chronic or acute pain, fatigue, stress, insomnia, allergies, respiratory and gastrointestinal conditions, migraine headaches, sexual disorders, weight management as well as addiction.
We've been practicing TCM (Traditional Chinese Medical) for more than 20 years, which has shown benefit to the following problems: Pain: neck, shoulder, back, hip, knee, headache, migraine,etc; Stroke&Paralysis, facial paralysis, hemiplegic paralysis, quadriplegia, poliomyelitis; Prolapse of Lumbar Intervertebral Disc, Joint pain, tendinitis, muscle strain, ligament strain, sciatica, muscular dystrophy; Women: Irregular Menstruation, painful periods, menopause, infertility and PMS.
We've been practicing TCM (Traditional Chinese Medical) for more than 20 years, which has shown benefit to the following problems: Pain: neck, shoulder, back, hip, knee, headache, migraine,etc; Stroke&Paralysis, facial paralysis, hemiplegic paralysis, quadriplegia, poliomyelitis; Prolapse of Lumbar Intervertebral Disc, Joint pain, tendinitis, muscle strain, ligament strain, sciatica, muscular dystrophy; Women: Irregular Menstruation, painful periods, menopause, infertility and PMS.
Heejin Kim L.Ac. is a Board Certified Diplomate in Acupuncture from the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). She is also certified by the Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (CCAOM) in Clean Needle Technique and she is state-licensed as a Licensed Acupuncturist in VA and MD. She has more than 15 years of clinical practice in Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine in China and the U.S.
Heejin Kim L.Ac. is a Board Certified Diplomate in Acupuncture from the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). She is also certified by the Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (CCAOM) in Clean Needle Technique and she is state-licensed as a Licensed Acupuncturist in VA and MD. She has more than 15 years of clinical practice in Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine in China and the U.S.
Dr. Holly Liu is the creator of Chinese-MD in Rockville Town Center. This is a new group of Chinese doctors and specialists who provide a wide array of alternative medical services. Dr. Liu is a highly regarded doctor of medicine from China. At age 16 she obtained a Primary Physician Diploma in Western Medicine. At 21, she had obtained her medical degree in Western Medicine and completed a 3 year residency at a major Chinese General Hospital. Later she obtained her Traditional Chinese Medical degree.
Dr. Holly Liu is the creator of Chinese-MD in Rockville Town Center. This is a new group of Chinese doctors and specialists who provide a wide array of alternative medical services. Dr. Liu is a highly regarded doctor of medicine from China. At age 16 she obtained a Primary Physician Diploma in Western Medicine. At 21, she had obtained her medical degree in Western Medicine and completed a 3 year residency at a major Chinese General Hospital. Later she obtained her Traditional Chinese Medical degree.
From head to toe - Headache, neck pain, Frozen shoulder, lower back pain, Sciatica, Tennis elbow, Golfer's elbow, knee pain, any type of joint pain, Plantar Fasciitis and more. From puberty to menopause - PMS, menstrual cramps, stress, hot flushes, night sweats, mood swings, Insomnia, weight gain, and fatigue. Whiplash - muscle, ligament, and tendon injuries, back and neck pain, herniated discs, leg and knee pain, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
From head to toe - Headache, neck pain, Frozen shoulder, lower back pain, Sciatica, Tennis elbow, Golfer's elbow, knee pain, any type of joint pain, Plantar Fasciitis and more. From puberty to menopause - PMS, menstrual cramps, stress, hot flushes, night sweats, mood swings, Insomnia, weight gain, and fatigue. Whiplash - muscle, ligament, and tendon injuries, back and neck pain, herniated discs, leg and knee pain, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
I graduated from Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine 1982 (Bachelor of Medicine) and practice acupuncture in Rockville and Bethesda, Maryland. I also do acupuncture at National Institutes of Health as a member of pain and palliative care team. My main interests have been on pain management, sport injury, inflammation (such as arthritis, tendonitis, gastrointestinal problems) and neurological diseases (essential tremor, Parkinson's disease, dementia and ADHD). I am also an immunologist researching on inflammatory and infectious diseases. I was NIH research fellow and has a Ph.D. in biochemistry (Wayne State University 1992).
I graduated from Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine 1982 (Bachelor of Medicine) and practice acupuncture in Rockville and Bethesda, Maryland. I also do acupuncture at National Institutes of Health as a member of pain and palliative care team. My main interests have been on pain management, sport injury, inflammation (such as arthritis, tendonitis, gastrointestinal problems) and neurological diseases (essential tremor, Parkinson's disease, dementia and ADHD). I am also an immunologist researching on inflammatory and infectious diseases. I was NIH research fellow and has a Ph.D. in biochemistry (Wayne State University 1992).
Chinese Medical Doctor Guorong Du graduated from Hubei University of Chinese Medicine of China in 1983, and has been practicing since then. She had practiced as principal doctor of Chinese medicine for 15 years from 1983 to 1998 at Wuhan Commercial Hospital in China that provides multiple functions with 500 beds. Her experience in the hospital included: clinical services, hospital wards, medical consultant and training instructions. In the USA since she came in 1998, She has successfully treated many patients with different kinds of symptoms and diseases.
Chinese Medical Doctor Guorong Du graduated from Hubei University of Chinese Medicine of China in 1983, and has been practicing since then. She had practiced as principal doctor of Chinese medicine for 15 years from 1983 to 1998 at Wuhan Commercial Hospital in China that provides multiple functions with 500 beds. Her experience in the hospital included: clinical services, hospital wards, medical consultant and training instructions. In the USA since she came in 1998, She has successfully treated many patients with different kinds of symptoms and diseases.
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Dr. Guang Xu, L.Ac,, OMD, Ph.D., graduated from Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in China in 1984. After five years study and training in Chinese and western medicine, she received her Doctor of Medicine degree. She then practiced at the University Hospital as a physician of TCM (acupuncture, herb medicine etc.) for 10 years. She specializes in the treatment of pain, women’s health, immune disorder, stress, depression, insomnia and paralysis. She studied ShuangJinHua (herbs) on immune functions, that earned the First Place of TCM Science Advanced Technology Award in Heilongjiang Provence, China in 1996.
Dr. Guang Xu, L.Ac,, OMD, Ph.D., graduated from Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in China in 1984. After five years study and training in Chinese and western medicine, she received her Doctor of Medicine degree. She then practiced at the University Hospital as a physician of TCM (acupuncture, herb medicine etc.) for 10 years. She specializes in the treatment of pain, women’s health, immune disorder, stress, depression, insomnia and paralysis. She studied ShuangJinHua (herbs) on immune functions, that earned the First Place of TCM Science Advanced Technology Award in Heilongjiang Provence, China in 1996.
My patients are aged from 2 month-old to 91 year-old. Mostly of them feel symptom relieved, more relaxed, more energetic and healthier in general well being.
My patients are aged from 2 month-old to 91 year-old. Mostly of them feel symptom relieved, more relaxed, more energetic and healthier in general well being.
Acupuncture can help on the body, mind, and spirit level. I strive to help people who have felt that they have not received the attention or help they have sought elsewhere. My clients range from children to elderly individuals, from those looking to maintain their wellness to those looking to manage a specific situation. I specialize in treating immune conditions, infertility, pregnancy, menstrual issues, pain management, migraines, back pain, allergies, and general overall health and wellness.
Acupuncture can help on the body, mind, and spirit level. I strive to help people who have felt that they have not received the attention or help they have sought elsewhere. My clients range from children to elderly individuals, from those looking to maintain their wellness to those looking to manage a specific situation. I specialize in treating immune conditions, infertility, pregnancy, menstrual issues, pain management, migraines, back pain, allergies, and general overall health and wellness.
I Care deeply about helping people heal and feel well in life.
I work well with stressed teenagers and adults experiencing anxiety, depression and insomnia. I am quite successful with pain issues, such as neck, shoulder and back pain in addition to headaches and migraines.
I Care deeply about helping people heal and feel well in life.
I work well with stressed teenagers and adults experiencing anxiety, depression and insomnia. I am quite successful with pain issues, such as neck, shoulder and back pain in addition to headaches and migraines.
My medical career began at Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). My studies included training in both Western and Traditional Chinese medicine. After completed my Acupuncture Master degree study in the post-graduate school of the University, I was assigned to an research position in Shanghai Research Institute of Acupuncture & Meridian. I worked there for 3 years in the field of study of Chinese Acupuncture Schools & Doctrine and attended Outpatient Clinic Center to treat patients at the same time.
My medical career began at Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). My studies included training in both Western and Traditional Chinese medicine. After completed my Acupuncture Master degree study in the post-graduate school of the University, I was assigned to an research position in Shanghai Research Institute of Acupuncture & Meridian. I worked there for 3 years in the field of study of Chinese Acupuncture Schools & Doctrine and attended Outpatient Clinic Center to treat patients at the same time.
Through Acupuncture and various holistic therapies, Tamara has enabled clients to overcome physical and emotional barriers to achieve wellness and balance in their lives.
Through Acupuncture and various holistic therapies, Tamara has enabled clients to overcome physical and emotional barriers to achieve wellness and balance in their lives.
My goal is to make a major difference in people's lives. Being able to help people in their quest for health through acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine has been a very rewarding experience. I feel very fortunate to have met and learned from many great teachers and mentors who have given me great confidence in practicing this medicine. I specialize in acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine for treatment of pain management and various diseases related to internal medicine. I look forward to serving you in your quest for optimum health.
My goal is to make a major difference in people's lives. Being able to help people in their quest for health through acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine has been a very rewarding experience. I feel very fortunate to have met and learned from many great teachers and mentors who have given me great confidence in practicing this medicine. I specialize in acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine for treatment of pain management and various diseases related to internal medicine. I look forward to serving you in your quest for optimum health.
Having worked in the healing arts for 40 years, I have effectively treated disorders such as insomnia, irritable bowel, colitis, psoraisis, fibromyalgia, menopausal and menstrual disorders, TMJ infertility, migraines and back/neck/shoulder pain, just to name a few. My experiences in Medical nursing at the Johns Hopkins Hospital honed my knowledge and skill in Western Medicine, allowing me to maximize my comprehension of Eastern Medicine in the acupuncture treatment room. My psychiatric nursing background has proved extremely helpful when I treat my patients with anxiety, depression and phobias.
Having worked in the healing arts for 40 years, I have effectively treated disorders such as insomnia, irritable bowel, colitis, psoraisis, fibromyalgia, menopausal and menstrual disorders, TMJ infertility, migraines and back/neck/shoulder pain, just to name a few. My experiences in Medical nursing at the Johns Hopkins Hospital honed my knowledge and skill in Western Medicine, allowing me to maximize my comprehension of Eastern Medicine in the acupuncture treatment room. My psychiatric nursing background has proved extremely helpful when I treat my patients with anxiety, depression and phobias.
Trained in Beijing, China at the China Academy of TCM and Beijing Jing Hua Medical University. Accepting most insurance plans. Located near Andrews Air Force Base. Our goal is to provide an alternative form of medicine to patients who are tired of the side effects associated with prescription medications. Acupunture is a natural way to help fine-tune the greatest machine ever made... your body. Helping you achieve your health goals is our number 1 priority. We believe good health is your most important asset. Without it you have nothing. Please visit our website at
Trained in Beijing, China at the China Academy of TCM and Beijing Jing Hua Medical University. Accepting most insurance plans. Located near Andrews Air Force Base. Our goal is to provide an alternative form of medicine to patients who are tired of the side effects associated with prescription medications. Acupunture is a natural way to help fine-tune the greatest machine ever made... your body. Helping you achieve your health goals is our number 1 priority. We believe good health is your most important asset. Without it you have nothing. Please visit our website at
At Chevy Chase Acupuncture, my mission is to provide you with the best possible care of your acute and chronic pain. I believe in comprehensive management. As a 3rd Generation Acupuncturist, I have learned to appreciate both traditional medicine and Western medicine which can enhance the treatment effect in patients. I specialize in pain control, sport medicine, spinal rehabilitation and balancing treatments.
At Chevy Chase Acupuncture, my mission is to provide you with the best possible care of your acute and chronic pain. I believe in comprehensive management. As a 3rd Generation Acupuncturist, I have learned to appreciate both traditional medicine and Western medicine which can enhance the treatment effect in patients. I specialize in pain control, sport medicine, spinal rehabilitation and balancing treatments.
FAQs - About Acupuncture
How can I find an acupuncturist in 20878?
To find an acupuncturist near you, enter your city, town, suburb, ZIP code, or the provider's name into the search bar at the top of the page. You can then filter results by provider specialty, treatment technique or style, and even gender to find an acupuncturist who best matches your needs.
When viewing an acupuncturist’s profile, take note of key details such as session costs, their area of specialty, treatment techniques, and location to determine if they’re a good fit. If a provider seems promising, you can reach out via email or phone using the contact information on their profile. During the conversation, assess your comfort level and their expertise in addressing your specific concerns. It’s also a good opportunity to ask about their overall approach to care and confirm any relevant acupuncture credentials they hold.
When viewing an acupuncturist’s profile, take note of key details such as session costs, their area of specialty, treatment techniques, and location to determine if they’re a good fit. If a provider seems promising, you can reach out via email or phone using the contact information on their profile. During the conversation, assess your comfort level and their expertise in addressing your specific concerns. It’s also a good opportunity to ask about their overall approach to care and confirm any relevant acupuncture credentials they hold.
What can acupuncture help with?
Acupuncture is most commonly used to treat chronic pain, including pain caused by physical injuries, arthritis, or migraines. It may also help with autoimmune conditions, nausea, digestive issues, and behavioral health concerns such as anxiety, depression, or insomnia. Rooted in ancient Chinese tradition, acupuncture is based on the belief that illness results from an imbalance in the body’s energy, or “Qi.” Practitioners aim to restore the balance and flow of Qi by stimulating specific acupuncture points throughout the body, which is thought to alleviate pain and other symptoms associated with these conditions.
Acupuncture is typically used alongside medical treatment rather than as a replacement. It is important to note that acupuncture practitioners are not trained to diagnose or medically manage conditions, so it should not substitute regular care from a licensed medical provider.
Acupuncture is typically used alongside medical treatment rather than as a replacement. It is important to note that acupuncture practitioners are not trained to diagnose or medically manage conditions, so it should not substitute regular care from a licensed medical provider.
Is a licensed acupuncturist a doctor?
No, acupuncturists are not medical doctors. To practice acupuncture, there is typically less training needed than that required for medical doctors. Acupuncture practitioners typically need to complete a master’s-level training program and meet a minimum requirement for clinical exposure before obtaining a license. However, licensing requirements vary by state. While most states have established minimum standards, some, such as Alabama, Oklahoma, and South Dakota, do not offer licensure for acupuncturists. In these states, there are no formal education or training requirements to practice acupuncture. The National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) oversees acupuncture training and certification. This organization administers the national certification exam, which is required in many states to obtain a state-issued acupuncture license.
How many acupuncture sessions are generally needed?
Acupuncture is typically a time-limited treatment lasting 3 to 6 weeks, with sessions occurring 1 to 2 times per week. However, the duration and frequency of treatment may vary depending on the severity of symptoms and the nature of the condition or injury being treated. Acupuncturists should regularly assess their clients' progress, monitoring changes in symptoms and adjusting the treatment plan as necessary. After completing the initial course of treatment, some practitioners may recommend periodic "tune-up" sessions to help maintain symptom relief and longer-term well-being.
How much does it cost to see an acupuncturist?
The cost of acupuncture sessions typically ranges from $75 to $150 per session, depending on factors such as location, the provider’s experience, and the type of service offered. Some insurance plans may cover a portion of these costs, so it’s worth checking your specific coverage details. Additionally, some acupuncturists offer session packages or discounts for clients who commit to multiple sessions upfront, providing a more cost-effective option for those seeking ongoing treatment.
Is acupuncture covered by insurance?
Insurance coverage for acupuncture varies depending on the client’s insurance provider and specific plan. In many cases, insurance will cover a limited number of acupuncture sessions if the client has a referral from a medical doctor. The growing focus on non-opioid treatments for chronic pain has increased interest in acupuncture and led to improved insurance coverage in some plans. However, coverage often comes with conditions, such as copayments, limits on the number of sessions, or restrictions on the types of conditions eligible for treatment. For example, Medicare Part B generally covers acupuncture only for chronic low back pain. Clients should review their insurance policy to understand the extent and specifics of their plan's coverage of acupuncture treatments.