Massage Therapists near Sedona, AZ
Melt your Muscles! Stretch your Spine! Cleanse your Mind! Liberate your Spirit and Soul! You are here NOW, breathe easy. I understand you may feel over extended and require a long, loving, heart centered Radiant Rest, melting your muscles with an elegant and potent Infinite ReikiEnergy Massage, softening your mind from poisonous thoughts, liberating your spirit from decades of a hostage mindset and REconnecting to your sweet soul reminding you that YOU are a light. You are here to receive MELTING, clearing, unwinding and unraveling. Receiving inspiration for the most fruitful and purposeful life you've imagined. Are you ready?
Melt your Muscles! Stretch your Spine! Cleanse your Mind! Liberate your Spirit and Soul! You are here NOW, breathe easy. I understand you may feel over extended and require a long, loving, heart centered Radiant Rest, melting your muscles with an elegant and potent Infinite ReikiEnergy Massage, softening your mind from poisonous thoughts, liberating your spirit from decades of a hostage mindset and REconnecting to your sweet soul reminding you that YOU are a light. You are here to receive MELTING, clearing, unwinding and unraveling. Receiving inspiration for the most fruitful and purposeful life you've imagined. Are you ready?
As an elementary school teacher, I received two debilitating injuries to the spine. In my recovery, it became apparent to me that this type of bodywork was necessary, not only for my rehabilitation, but also as part of my ongoing maintenance for health and happiness. This is my passion and my soul's purpose: to work in conjunction with each of my patients to find pain relief, better mobility, and more ease in life, and to help everyone discover their own joy of living. We work together to find the right path to achieve their optimal health and inner peace.
As an elementary school teacher, I received two debilitating injuries to the spine. In my recovery, it became apparent to me that this type of bodywork was necessary, not only for my rehabilitation, but also as part of my ongoing maintenance for health and happiness. This is my passion and my soul's purpose: to work in conjunction with each of my patients to find pain relief, better mobility, and more ease in life, and to help everyone discover their own joy of living. We work together to find the right path to achieve their optimal health and inner peace.
Who can practice massage in Sedona?
Most states have licensing requirements that must be met before a practitioner (a 'masseuse' or 'masseur') can use the title 'Massage Therapist', and some states require a license to practice any form of massage. Licensed Massage Therapists in Sedona have obtained the highest level of authentication. They must complete academic coursework in anatomy and physiology, as well as on the application of massage and bodywork, business and ethics, and specialized massage techniques. The Sedona LMT must then pass a certification exam.
What are the benefits of Sedona massage?
Clients use massage in Sedona because it relieves pain from muscle aches and sprains, muscle injuries and other causes of pain. It reduces stress and helps clients relax, and can decrease feelings of anxiety and depression by stimulating the release of endorphins and serotonin. Massage therapy in Sedona can help prevent fibrosis or scar tissue, increase the flow of lymph, and improve sleep. Sedona massage therapy can help rehabilitate sports injuries.
How does massage work?
Massage involves working and acting on the body using pressure from the hands, fingers, elbows, knees, forearm, or feet of the massage therapist. The Sedona massage therapist focuses on muscles, tendons, ligaments, myofacia, skin, joints, or other connective tissue, as well as lymphatic vessels, or organs of the gastrointestinal system.