The work I do is based on Chinese medicine, one of the oldest holistic healing traditions, and can address many different kinds of issues. Health, according to Chinese medicine, occurs when the "qi", or "vital energy", is moving smoothly and harmoniously through its pathways in the body. When this happens we experience a wonderful sense of well-being and connection in our lives. This can be felt on the physical level, pain management is one benefit, and also on the mental, emotional and spiritual levels, as the qi affects all aspects of our being.
The work I do is based on Chinese medicine, one of the oldest holistic healing traditions, and can address many different kinds of issues. Health, according to Chinese medicine, occurs when the "qi", or "vital energy", is moving smoothly and harmoniously through its pathways in the body. When this happens we experience a wonderful sense of well-being and connection in our lives. This can be felt on the physical level, pain management is one benefit, and also on the mental, emotional and spiritual levels, as the qi affects all aspects of our being.
Sleep Problems Massage Therapists
If you're looking for massage for sleep problems in 10010 or for a 10010 massage therapist for sleep problems, or a massage sleep problem 10010, these massage professionals can help.