I am a nationally board certified acupuncturist with over 22 yrs experience, and nearly 28 years of experience teaching qigong, tai chi and yoga. I love acupuncture because it works - naturally, with no extreme side-effects, for a variety of conditions. I believe in the body's extraordinary ability to heal itself. When acupuncture activates that powerful healing force - pain disappears, illness resolves, depression and anxiety lift, weight is lost and vitality is restored. My approach is straightforward and compassionate - creating a safe space where clients can feel heard, at ease and receptive to acupuncture's healing effects.
I am a nationally board certified acupuncturist with over 22 yrs experience, and nearly 28 years of experience teaching qigong, tai chi and yoga. I love acupuncture because it works - naturally, with no extreme side-effects, for a variety of conditions. I believe in the body's extraordinary ability to heal itself. When acupuncture activates that powerful healing force - pain disappears, illness resolves, depression and anxiety lift, weight is lost and vitality is restored. My approach is straightforward and compassionate - creating a safe space where clients can feel heard, at ease and receptive to acupuncture's healing effects.
I am a nationally board certified acupuncturist, licensed in Georgia, with over 22 years of experience treating a wide variety of people of all ages. I love acupuncture because it works - naturally, with no extreme side-effects, for a wide variety of conditions. I believe passionately in the body's extraordinary ability to heal itself. When acupuncture activates that powerful healing force, pain disappears, illness resolves, depression and anxiety lift and vitality is restored. My approach is straightforward and compassionate, creating a safe space where you can feel heard, at ease, and receptive to acupuncture's healing effects.
I am a nationally board certified acupuncturist, licensed in Georgia, with over 22 years of experience treating a wide variety of people of all ages. I love acupuncture because it works - naturally, with no extreme side-effects, for a wide variety of conditions. I believe passionately in the body's extraordinary ability to heal itself. When acupuncture activates that powerful healing force, pain disappears, illness resolves, depression and anxiety lift and vitality is restored. My approach is straightforward and compassionate, creating a safe space where you can feel heard, at ease, and receptive to acupuncture's healing effects.
Chinese Acupuncture Acupuncturists
Traditional Chinese acupuncture is the form of acupuncture in which the plurality of practitioners are trained, and it remains the most widely practiced form. According to traditional Chinese medicine, the human body is filled with lines or channels through which the energy of the body flows.
If you're looking for help with Chinese acupuncture in Columbus or for a Columbus traditional Chinese acupuncturist, or traditional chinese medicine Columbus, chinese medicine for fertility, chinese medicine for infertility, chinese herbal medicine, these professionals provide Chinese acupuncture, Chinese acupressure and traditional Chinese acupuncture. They include traditional Chinese acupuncture professionals, traditional Chinese acupressure professionals, and traditional Chinese acupuncturists. They can help with Chinese herbal medicine Columbus, ancient Chinese acupuncture and Chinese medicine.
If you're looking for help with Chinese acupuncture in Columbus or for a Columbus traditional Chinese acupuncturist, or traditional chinese medicine Columbus, chinese medicine for fertility, chinese medicine for infertility, chinese herbal medicine, these professionals provide Chinese acupuncture, Chinese acupressure and traditional Chinese acupuncture. They include traditional Chinese acupuncture professionals, traditional Chinese acupressure professionals, and traditional Chinese acupuncturists. They can help with Chinese herbal medicine Columbus, ancient Chinese acupuncture and Chinese medicine.