My specialties include acupuncture, naturopathic medicine, body work, cupping and Gua Sha.
Acupuncture is the art and science of correcting imbalances or disharmonies in the body and mind by balancing the body’s physical and energetic factors, and promoting the free flow of Qi and blood. Optimal health is dependent on the free flow of Qi and blood throughout the body. Pain and illness occur when there are blockages or imbalances in these factors in a particular area or throughout the body. At various locations along each of the various energy meridians are specific acupoints where the meridian’s energy can be manipulated in different ways. This stimulation of points brings both improved health and relief from pain.
My specialties include acupuncture, naturopathic medicine, body work, cupping and Gua Sha.
Acupuncture is the art and science of correcting imbalances or disharmonies in the body and mind by balancing the body’s physical and energetic factors, and promoting the free flow of Qi and blood. Optimal health is dependent on the free flow of Qi and blood throughout the body. Pain and illness occur when there are blockages or imbalances in these factors in a particular area or throughout the body. At various locations along each of the various energy meridians are specific acupoints where the meridian’s energy can be manipulated in different ways. This stimulation of points brings both improved health and relief from pain.
Bo has practiced in Chinese medicine and acupuncture for 12 years. She grew up in a traditional Chinese practitioner family. She practiced in a first-grade national hospital in China.She graduated from Heilongjiang University of Chinese medicine and University of Bridgeport School, major in Acupuncture and Chinese medicine. We have 12 years experience treating Chronic pain, Acute pain, Muscle spasm, Insomnia, Anxiety, Infertility, Bell's Palsy, Allergy, Menopause, Sequela of Stroke, muscular atrophy, Digestion problems, Respiratory system problems side effects of chemotherapy and any difficult and unusual disease.
Bo has practiced in Chinese medicine and acupuncture for 12 years. She grew up in a traditional Chinese practitioner family. She practiced in a first-grade national hospital in China.She graduated from Heilongjiang University of Chinese medicine and University of Bridgeport School, major in Acupuncture and Chinese medicine. We have 12 years experience treating Chronic pain, Acute pain, Muscle spasm, Insomnia, Anxiety, Infertility, Bell's Palsy, Allergy, Menopause, Sequela of Stroke, muscular atrophy, Digestion problems, Respiratory system problems side effects of chemotherapy and any difficult and unusual disease.
In my practice I offer top quality, attentive, highly personalized and compassionate care to my patients. I have been in practice in New York and Connecticut for over 24 years.
In addition, I have 5 years of formal training in Chinese Herbal Medicine with several world renown teachers.
I practice a combination of Japanese/meridian style acupuncture which is well suited to a western population. This style offers a gentle approach to treatment that most patients find relaxing.
In my practice I offer top quality, attentive, highly personalized and compassionate care to my patients. I have been in practice in New York and Connecticut for over 24 years.
In addition, I have 5 years of formal training in Chinese Herbal Medicine with several world renown teachers.
I practice a combination of Japanese/meridian style acupuncture which is well suited to a western population. This style offers a gentle approach to treatment that most patients find relaxing.
Nicknamed as "The Magic Hands" by my patients, I am a Christian acupuncturist who has been blessed by the LORD with healing talents. I was trained by both Chinese masters in Hong Kong and the United States.
I am the only practitioner who combines acupuncture, stress management, meridians body work, floral tea, and oriental diet in each patient visit.
Chinese physical medicine from my grandmother allows me to enjoy great success rates in treating pain. I discharged a patient with neck pain after only one visit, and another patient experiences no more back pain and restless legs after 3 treatments.
Nicknamed as "The Magic Hands" by my patients, I am a Christian acupuncturist who has been blessed by the LORD with healing talents. I was trained by both Chinese masters in Hong Kong and the United States.
I am the only practitioner who combines acupuncture, stress management, meridians body work, floral tea, and oriental diet in each patient visit.
Chinese physical medicine from my grandmother allows me to enjoy great success rates in treating pain. I discharged a patient with neck pain after only one visit, and another patient experiences no more back pain and restless legs after 3 treatments.
Taiping Dong-Welsh LAc has owned and managed of Meridians Eastern Health Alternatives for 15 years and has thousands of hours working with some of the most experienced herbalist and acupuncturists. Taiping has served as instructor of Qigong and Taiji at Adult Education Center in Ridgefield, CT, and at the Wilton CT Senior center and has particular experience in design of programs to help seniors with balance and wellness goals. At Merdians we look forward to bringing this wholistic approach to your health challenges. Please contact us with your difficult dermatological challenges, including eczema, acne, hives, warts, psoriasis, neurodermatitis scleroderma and shingles.
Taiping Dong-Welsh LAc has owned and managed of Meridians Eastern Health Alternatives for 15 years and has thousands of hours working with some of the most experienced herbalist and acupuncturists. Taiping has served as instructor of Qigong and Taiji at Adult Education Center in Ridgefield, CT, and at the Wilton CT Senior center and has particular experience in design of programs to help seniors with balance and wellness goals. At Merdians we look forward to bringing this wholistic approach to your health challenges. Please contact us with your difficult dermatological challenges, including eczema, acne, hives, warts, psoriasis, neurodermatitis scleroderma and shingles.
Xin Z. Zeck is a licensed Acupuncturist who is highly recognized among acupuncture practitioners and serves as the secretary for the United Alliance of New York State Licensed Acupuncturists.
Born into a family of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners, Xin has been classically trained in Traditional Chinese Acupuncture(TCM), Japanese Kiiko Style Acupuncture(KM), Acupuncture Physical Medicine(APM), as well as in Chinese Herbal MEdicine Formulation.
Born, raised and partially educated in Beijing, China, Xin completed her undergraduate studies with a Bachelor's Degree in communications and postgraduate studies in Chinese nutrition and TCM.
Xin Z. Zeck is a licensed Acupuncturist who is highly recognized among acupuncture practitioners and serves as the secretary for the United Alliance of New York State Licensed Acupuncturists.
Born into a family of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners, Xin has been classically trained in Traditional Chinese Acupuncture(TCM), Japanese Kiiko Style Acupuncture(KM), Acupuncture Physical Medicine(APM), as well as in Chinese Herbal MEdicine Formulation.
Born, raised and partially educated in Beijing, China, Xin completed her undergraduate studies with a Bachelor's Degree in communications and postgraduate studies in Chinese nutrition and TCM.
Shiva-Shakti Acupuncture and Ayurveda LLC
Acupuncturist, ND, LAc
Verified Verified
Stamford, CT 06902
Most of my clients manifest wear and tear from stress and my goal is to bring them to a more peaceful, relaxed state and improve significantly their overall wellness. I deliver therapy in either a group setting or individually, depending upon client preference. I treat inflammation in the body, pain, adrenal fatigue, energy imbalance, by integrating various complementary and holistic healing modalities, and also empowering clients on their path to self-healing. I have years of hands-on practice, scientific research training at UCLA and The National Institute of Health as well as my Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine.
Most of my clients manifest wear and tear from stress and my goal is to bring them to a more peaceful, relaxed state and improve significantly their overall wellness. I deliver therapy in either a group setting or individually, depending upon client preference. I treat inflammation in the body, pain, adrenal fatigue, energy imbalance, by integrating various complementary and holistic healing modalities, and also empowering clients on their path to self-healing. I have years of hands-on practice, scientific research training at UCLA and The National Institute of Health as well as my Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine.
Jing Zhang L.Ac., has 29 years experience in both Western and Chinese medicine, 10 years working experience at Reproductive Medicine Associates of CT, helps people who were undergoing IVF, IUI or trying to conceive naturally, treats people with high FSH, low AMH, poor egg quality, thin uterus lining, poor response to IVF stimulation, unexplained failed IVF...
Jing Zhang L.Ac., has 29 years experience in both Western and Chinese medicine, 10 years working experience at Reproductive Medicine Associates of CT, helps people who were undergoing IVF, IUI or trying to conceive naturally, treats people with high FSH, low AMH, poor egg quality, thin uterus lining, poor response to IVF stimulation, unexplained failed IVF...
"To support, educate and listen to all my patients as I truly believe every human being is different and needs custom care and treatment options in achieving their health goals."
"To support, educate and listen to all my patients as I truly believe every human being is different and needs custom care and treatment options in achieving their health goals."
I am a Nationally Board Certified (NCCAOM) acupuncturist licensed in New York and Connecticut. I maintain my practice in Mahopac NY. I provide general, preventative and lifestyle acupuncture for all ages (from newborns to seniors).
I am a Nationally Board Certified (NCCAOM) acupuncturist licensed in New York and Connecticut. I maintain my practice in Mahopac NY. I provide general, preventative and lifestyle acupuncture for all ages (from newborns to seniors).
Combining my experience of over 20 years as an Occupational Therapist, along with eleven years now as an Acupuncturist, I bring a compassionate, trauma informed study and hands on body wisdom to your treatment. The utilization of this palpatory approach provides diagnosis as well as an instant measure of treatment effectiveness, which you will realize in real time. Both Western and Traditional Eastern medicine have their respective strengths and weaknesses. It is my belief, when they are appropriately combined, the patient is well served.
Combining my experience of over 20 years as an Occupational Therapist, along with eleven years now as an Acupuncturist, I bring a compassionate, trauma informed study and hands on body wisdom to your treatment. The utilization of this palpatory approach provides diagnosis as well as an instant measure of treatment effectiveness, which you will realize in real time. Both Western and Traditional Eastern medicine have their respective strengths and weaknesses. It is my belief, when they are appropriately combined, the patient is well served.
I utilize proven, safe, natural, and efficacious acupuncture methods. Calling upon my 25 years of experience in the field in New York city and Westchester, I will help you achieve a full recovery, as efficiently and comfortably as possible. My boundless passion for my work and my patients will become obvious as you partake in your free initial consultation. To arrange a visit, call (914) 835-2241
I utilize proven, safe, natural, and efficacious acupuncture methods. Calling upon my 25 years of experience in the field in New York city and Westchester, I will help you achieve a full recovery, as efficiently and comfortably as possible. My boundless passion for my work and my patients will become obvious as you partake in your free initial consultation. To arrange a visit, call (914) 835-2241
We are a dedicated team of licensed acupuncturists and board certified practitioners of Chinese herbal medicine practicing at The Scarsdale Wellness Center in Scarsdale, New York.
It is our goal to provide you with a safe, comfortable and positive therapeutic experience. During an initial consultation, we will specifically address your individual needs and tailor your treatment accordingly. We value an integrative approach toward healing and combine the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine with an understanding of modern Western medicine.
Special areas of expertise include male and female infertility, pain management, emotional imbalances, and weight loss.
We are a dedicated team of licensed acupuncturists and board certified practitioners of Chinese herbal medicine practicing at The Scarsdale Wellness Center in Scarsdale, New York.
It is our goal to provide you with a safe, comfortable and positive therapeutic experience. During an initial consultation, we will specifically address your individual needs and tailor your treatment accordingly. We value an integrative approach toward healing and combine the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine with an understanding of modern Western medicine.
Special areas of expertise include male and female infertility, pain management, emotional imbalances, and weight loss.
Amadeus Natural Health Services
Acupuncturist, LAc, DilpAc, LMT
Verified Verified
New Haven, CT 06510
There is an alternative! I believe most people are capable of adding more years to their life, and more life to their years if only given the proper information, treatment, guidance, and attention. It is our multi-disciplinary approach and individualized protocols that help us get results that often no one else can. Genetics may set the stage, but lifestyle will often write the script for our health. The goal is to continually improvise our script to promote better health. Come in, and together we will create a high-quality, affordable, health care protocol, that will change your life.
There is an alternative! I believe most people are capable of adding more years to their life, and more life to their years if only given the proper information, treatment, guidance, and attention. It is our multi-disciplinary approach and individualized protocols that help us get results that often no one else can. Genetics may set the stage, but lifestyle will often write the script for our health. The goal is to continually improvise our script to promote better health. Come in, and together we will create a high-quality, affordable, health care protocol, that will change your life.
Jaesun Yoo Acupuncture PC/Full Circle Family Care
Acupuncturist, LAc, DiplOM, MAOM, FABORM
Verified Verified
Greenwich, CT 06831
Jaesun's specialty include infertility, prenatal & postpartum care, pain management, weight loss, detoxification and management of chronic disorders. Jaesun's view of health is not limited to a sense of freedom from the disease but also includes a state of well being with strong life power. Jaesun is certified by National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) and the American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine (ABORM). She is a member in good standing with American Society of Reproductive Medicine(ASRM).
Jaesun's specialty include infertility, prenatal & postpartum care, pain management, weight loss, detoxification and management of chronic disorders. Jaesun's view of health is not limited to a sense of freedom from the disease but also includes a state of well being with strong life power. Jaesun is certified by National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) and the American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine (ABORM). She is a member in good standing with American Society of Reproductive Medicine(ASRM).
Dr. Michelle Manto
Acupuncturist, DACM, Dipl OM, Lic AP, Reiki , CST
Verified Verified
New Canaan, CT 06840
Health is a culmination of all actions and choices taken during our lifetime. Life is a journey that is recording in every cell of our body. Patterns are created, habits get more entrenched and, at some point in our life, we find the need to work and survive replacing that sense of balance and wellbeing. So, we just keep going. What if it was possible to enjoy better health? If you are tired and disappointed about how you feel, come see me. Together we will create a treatment plan based on the principles of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. A wholistic plan that fits your life, your lifestyle, and your healthcare goals.
Health is a culmination of all actions and choices taken during our lifetime. Life is a journey that is recording in every cell of our body. Patterns are created, habits get more entrenched and, at some point in our life, we find the need to work and survive replacing that sense of balance and wellbeing. So, we just keep going. What if it was possible to enjoy better health? If you are tired and disappointed about how you feel, come see me. Together we will create a treatment plan based on the principles of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. A wholistic plan that fits your life, your lifestyle, and your healthcare goals.
Dr. Cano DOES NOT OFFER IV THERAPY. Dr. Cano established his wellness practice in 2013, and since then, he has been integrating naturopathic therapies, acupuncture to analyze acute and chronic cases. He specializes in but is not limited to helping you with: asthma, substance abuse, prostate issues, mental health, cancer, prenatal, postnatal care, infertility, male conditions, skin conditions, diabetes, autism and autoimmune conditions. He has extensive experience working with children, adults, and geriatrics.
Dr. Cano DOES NOT OFFER IV THERAPY. Dr. Cano established his wellness practice in 2013, and since then, he has been integrating naturopathic therapies, acupuncture to analyze acute and chronic cases. He specializes in but is not limited to helping you with: asthma, substance abuse, prostate issues, mental health, cancer, prenatal, postnatal care, infertility, male conditions, skin conditions, diabetes, autism and autoimmune conditions. He has extensive experience working with children, adults, and geriatrics.
Almost any condition can be successfully treated with acupuncture because the goal is to correct the imbalances that are the underlying cause of the patient's symptoms. I find acupuncture is particularly beneficial for those with any type of pain: headaches, back pain, muscle, joint and nerve pain. It is also helpful for those with endocrine/hormonal issues, PMS, irregular periods, menopausal symptoms, digestive issues, abdominal pain, constipation, and diarrhea. Also: anxiety, insomnia; high blood pressure, stress management, chronic fatigue. People with colds, sore throats, asthma, sinus infections, urinary tract infections, and dermatitis can also find relief with acupuncture.
Almost any condition can be successfully treated with acupuncture because the goal is to correct the imbalances that are the underlying cause of the patient's symptoms. I find acupuncture is particularly beneficial for those with any type of pain: headaches, back pain, muscle, joint and nerve pain. It is also helpful for those with endocrine/hormonal issues, PMS, irregular periods, menopausal symptoms, digestive issues, abdominal pain, constipation, and diarrhea. Also: anxiety, insomnia; high blood pressure, stress management, chronic fatigue. People with colds, sore throats, asthma, sinus infections, urinary tract infections, and dermatitis can also find relief with acupuncture.
I studied and trained in Acupuncture and classic Chinese Medicine both in United State and in China. I completed a Doctoral Degree of Medicine in the specialty of Acupuncture & Moxibustion and Tuina, and studied under a number of renowned Chinese medicine masters. I have lots clinical experience in both China, where there is a high volume of patients, and in the United States. My ongoing study covers frontier techniques. For example, Acupuncture spirit: it is pulse-regulating acupuncture technique from Ling Shu. By changing pulse, it balances and regulates Qi to gain the strongest result from mildest stimulation by smaller and fewer needles.
I studied and trained in Acupuncture and classic Chinese Medicine both in United State and in China. I completed a Doctoral Degree of Medicine in the specialty of Acupuncture & Moxibustion and Tuina, and studied under a number of renowned Chinese medicine masters. I have lots clinical experience in both China, where there is a high volume of patients, and in the United States. My ongoing study covers frontier techniques. For example, Acupuncture spirit: it is pulse-regulating acupuncture technique from Ling Shu. By changing pulse, it balances and regulates Qi to gain the strongest result from mildest stimulation by smaller and fewer needles.
Shunyu has been practicing acupuncture and therapeutic massage for more than 20 years. Natural Therapy with Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Qigong and Therapeutic Massage for all chronic conditions. Heal the problem, not just stop pain. No side effect. 7 visits for one treatment course to have significant efficiency for the therapy of long-term conditions. Only 3 visits can work well on the acute conditions.
Shunyu has been practicing acupuncture and therapeutic massage for more than 20 years. Natural Therapy with Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Qigong and Therapeutic Massage for all chronic conditions. Heal the problem, not just stop pain. No side effect. 7 visits for one treatment course to have significant efficiency for the therapy of long-term conditions. Only 3 visits can work well on the acute conditions.
Cupping Acupuncturists
Cupping is an ancient practice that helps alleviate pain and soreness. A rounded glass cup is placed on the skin, and pressure is created within the cup.
If you're looking for help with cupping in Westport or for a Westport cupping acupuncturist these professionals provide cupping acupuncture. They include cupping therapy Westport professionals, cupping acupuncture Westport and cupping acupuncturists, as well as cupping for back pain, cupping for weight loss, and other pain relief cupping acupuncturist solutions.
If you're looking for help with cupping in Westport or for a Westport cupping acupuncturist these professionals provide cupping acupuncture. They include cupping therapy Westport professionals, cupping acupuncture Westport and cupping acupuncturists, as well as cupping for back pain, cupping for weight loss, and other pain relief cupping acupuncturist solutions.