Acupuncturists near 90048
AMC Dragon Acupuncture 29+ Exp
Acupuncturist, LAc, OMD, MD(CN)
Verified Verified
Los Angeles, CA 90048
With 29 years of clinical & hospital practice in medicine and acupuncture, Dr. Li is an expert in pain management, infertility, eye diseases, skin and sinus problems, weight control etc. She has successfully treated thousands of patients with headache, neck/back/knee pain, sciatica, arthritis, digestive problems, insomnia, irregular painful menstruation, anxiety, depression and more. Dr Li received Medical Doctorate (MD) degree and extensive medical training.She has delivered high quality treatment to vast numbers of patients in China and US. She is one of most recognized professionals in the field of Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture.
With 29 years of clinical & hospital practice in medicine and acupuncture, Dr. Li is an expert in pain management, infertility, eye diseases, skin and sinus problems, weight control etc. She has successfully treated thousands of patients with headache, neck/back/knee pain, sciatica, arthritis, digestive problems, insomnia, irregular painful menstruation, anxiety, depression and more. Dr Li received Medical Doctorate (MD) degree and extensive medical training.She has delivered high quality treatment to vast numbers of patients in China and US. She is one of most recognized professionals in the field of Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture.
With 29 years of clinical & hospital practice in medicine and acupuncture, Dr. Li is an expert in pain management, infertility, eye diseases, skin and sinus problems, weight control etc. She has successfully treated thousands of patients with headache, neck/back/knee pain, sciatica, arthritis, digestive problems, insomnia, irregular painful menstruation, anxiety, depression and more. Dr Li received Medical Doctorate (MD) degree and extensive medical training. I have delivered high quality treatment to vast numbers of patients in China and US. I'm one of most recognized professionals in the field of Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture.
With 29 years of clinical & hospital practice in medicine and acupuncture, Dr. Li is an expert in pain management, infertility, eye diseases, skin and sinus problems, weight control etc. She has successfully treated thousands of patients with headache, neck/back/knee pain, sciatica, arthritis, digestive problems, insomnia, irregular painful menstruation, anxiety, depression and more. Dr Li received Medical Doctorate (MD) degree and extensive medical training. I have delivered high quality treatment to vast numbers of patients in China and US. I'm one of most recognized professionals in the field of Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture.
With over 20 years clinical experience, Dr. Barrett provides a most comprehensive form of Acupuncture and East-West Functional Medicine. Trained in the US & China, he is affiliated with Cedars Sinai and practices in Century City. His treatments are unique and begin with a consult when your condition, etiology and treatment will be explained in detail. As a treatment natural herbal prescription, diet & nutrition, therapeutic exercises, and stress management will be discussed. His philosophy is to minimize office visits by teaching you how to accelerate the healing process and maintain excellent health on your own.
With over 20 years clinical experience, Dr. Barrett provides a most comprehensive form of Acupuncture and East-West Functional Medicine. Trained in the US & China, he is affiliated with Cedars Sinai and practices in Century City. His treatments are unique and begin with a consult when your condition, etiology and treatment will be explained in detail. As a treatment natural herbal prescription, diet & nutrition, therapeutic exercises, and stress management will be discussed. His philosophy is to minimize office visits by teaching you how to accelerate the healing process and maintain excellent health on your own.
Self-care works better when you feel supported. Acupuncture has tremendous success in balancing the body and calming the mind. I can assess and relieve aches & pain. Guide you through the stress and strain of infertility issues, gastrointestinal issues, migraines or even a difficult cancer diagnosis. Patient education is an essential part of each treatment. Dietary and wellness counseling supports the work of the needles and herbs. Massage and subtle spinal manipulation is often included in treatments. Find out more about acupuncture, cupping, and herbal treatments.
Self-care works better when you feel supported. Acupuncture has tremendous success in balancing the body and calming the mind. I can assess and relieve aches & pain. Guide you through the stress and strain of infertility issues, gastrointestinal issues, migraines or even a difficult cancer diagnosis. Patient education is an essential part of each treatment. Dietary and wellness counseling supports the work of the needles and herbs. Massage and subtle spinal manipulation is often included in treatments. Find out more about acupuncture, cupping, and herbal treatments.
Restore balance with our holistic approach! Specializing in physical pain (sciatica, back, neck, shoulder, knee) and mental health (depression, stress, insomnia). Beyond relief, we prioritize overall wellness—weight management, cosmetic acupuncture, digestive health, and women's well-being. Schedule your transformative appointment today!"
Restore balance with our holistic approach! Specializing in physical pain (sciatica, back, neck, shoulder, knee) and mental health (depression, stress, insomnia). Beyond relief, we prioritize overall wellness—weight management, cosmetic acupuncture, digestive health, and women's well-being. Schedule your transformative appointment today!"
Acupuncture in 90048 - is it right for me?
Acupuncture is based on the concepts of oriental medicine or traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and is one of the oldest healing practices in the world. 90048 acupuncturists are health care professionals who evaluate and treat the many conditions, aches and pains that respond to acupuncture.
Acupuncturists insert very fine acupuncture needles into the body. The purpose of the needles is to stimulate acupuncture points or meridians. The needles do not inject any substance into your body and are so fine as to be virtually impossible to feel. In some cases, acupuncture may be accompanied by electrical stimulation or the burning of moxa, a form of heat therapy. Or use acupressure, where physical pressure is applied by hand or elbow to trigger points with the aim of clearing blockages in these meridians.
'Accupuncture' and 'Accupuncturist' are common mis-spellings.
Acupuncturists insert very fine acupuncture needles into the body. The purpose of the needles is to stimulate acupuncture points or meridians. The needles do not inject any substance into your body and are so fine as to be virtually impossible to feel. In some cases, acupuncture may be accompanied by electrical stimulation or the burning of moxa, a form of heat therapy. Or use acupressure, where physical pressure is applied by hand or elbow to trigger points with the aim of clearing blockages in these meridians.
'Accupuncture' and 'Accupuncturist' are common mis-spellings.
Credentials for 90048 licensed acupuncturists?
A licensed acupuncturist in 90048 needs a minimum of two years college education and must complete three years of professional training and pass the State's approved licensing examination. The three year program includes both theory and hands-on clinical practice. Most States' professional training programs are accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (ACAOM) and by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM).