Acupuncturists near 80020
My patients want to have a deeper connection and understanding with themselves and their health. I am here to facilitate the healing process - to help balance the body, stimulate the healing mechanisms, be a catalyst - you are the one doing the healing. It is your choice to want to feel better, seek a practitioner who resonates with you, and then integrate the knowledge for better health you've gained through the healing process. Whether you are seeking relief from pain - emotional, physical, or mental - or just want more balance and wellness in your life, I am here to help.
My patients want to have a deeper connection and understanding with themselves and their health. I am here to facilitate the healing process - to help balance the body, stimulate the healing mechanisms, be a catalyst - you are the one doing the healing. It is your choice to want to feel better, seek a practitioner who resonates with you, and then integrate the knowledge for better health you've gained through the healing process. Whether you are seeking relief from pain - emotional, physical, or mental - or just want more balance and wellness in your life, I am here to help.
My goal is to integrated modern acupuncture and time proven Chinese medicine into my patients regular healthcare programs. My patients want to empower themselves to lead healthy lives naturally through regular treatments, diet, exercise and a very healthy life style. I treat each person individually and develop a treatment plan with very specific goals. My patients and I work together to obtain their objectives. I utilize Traditional Chinese Medicine modalities along with Digital Meridian Imaging in order to customize a treatment plan. I started my clinic over 13 years ago in order to give back and help as many people as I can.
My goal is to integrated modern acupuncture and time proven Chinese medicine into my patients regular healthcare programs. My patients want to empower themselves to lead healthy lives naturally through regular treatments, diet, exercise and a very healthy life style. I treat each person individually and develop a treatment plan with very specific goals. My patients and I work together to obtain their objectives. I utilize Traditional Chinese Medicine modalities along with Digital Meridian Imaging in order to customize a treatment plan. I started my clinic over 13 years ago in order to give back and help as many people as I can.
Acupuncture is your way to health and vitality. Through a compassionate approach I empower people to awaken their inner potential to heal, feel better, and participate in life again. Treatment rooted in theory that has been proven for thousands of years; acupuncture regulates the neuroendocrine system, increases blood flow, creates new tissue, activates the parasympathetic nervous system putting you in a healing state, elicits a chemical response in the brain, and helps your brain and body communicate efficiently. General benefits of receiving acupuncture are increased energy, better sleep, decreased stress, and relief from pain.
Acupuncture is your way to health and vitality. Through a compassionate approach I empower people to awaken their inner potential to heal, feel better, and participate in life again. Treatment rooted in theory that has been proven for thousands of years; acupuncture regulates the neuroendocrine system, increases blood flow, creates new tissue, activates the parasympathetic nervous system putting you in a healing state, elicits a chemical response in the brain, and helps your brain and body communicate efficiently. General benefits of receiving acupuncture are increased energy, better sleep, decreased stress, and relief from pain.
I believe that health and vibrant living are accessible to all and use medicine rooted in spirit and grounded in science to help people achieve their health goals. I will meet you where you are and help you bridge the gap to be where you want to be. I spend the one-on-one time with you required to fully understand what's going on and to develop an appropriate and clear treatment plan. You can request a free 30-minute consult to get started.
I believe that health and vibrant living are accessible to all and use medicine rooted in spirit and grounded in science to help people achieve their health goals. I will meet you where you are and help you bridge the gap to be where you want to be. I spend the one-on-one time with you required to fully understand what's going on and to develop an appropriate and clear treatment plan. You can request a free 30-minute consult to get started.
At Awakening Balance Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), our healthcare providers practice their field of expertise in a very customized manner with each patient as they are carefully diagnosed and given a specialized treatment plan. Through full-spectrum Acupuncture and the modalities of TCM, we strive to restore the intricate systems of the body back to healthy balance and energy flow. Our goal is to treat the root causes that have provoked the imbalances that lead to illness and pain. Results are profound.
At Awakening Balance Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), our healthcare providers practice their field of expertise in a very customized manner with each patient as they are carefully diagnosed and given a specialized treatment plan. Through full-spectrum Acupuncture and the modalities of TCM, we strive to restore the intricate systems of the body back to healthy balance and energy flow. Our goal is to treat the root causes that have provoked the imbalances that lead to illness and pain. Results are profound.
Are your health issues preventing you from enjoying your life? Are you tired, stressed or in too much pain to do the things you would love to do? Do you feel like your riding a roller coaster with your emotions or energy going up and down? You are not alone. Many people experience disharmonies within our bodies that lead to many uncomfortable health situations. Whether your disharmony expresses itself as pain, insomnia, anxiety, hormonal imbalances, digestive disturbances, acupuncture can help. Acupuncture is an ancient healing practice that works on promoting peace and harmony deep within your body, mind and spirit.
Are your health issues preventing you from enjoying your life? Are you tired, stressed or in too much pain to do the things you would love to do? Do you feel like your riding a roller coaster with your emotions or energy going up and down? You are not alone. Many people experience disharmonies within our bodies that lead to many uncomfortable health situations. Whether your disharmony expresses itself as pain, insomnia, anxiety, hormonal imbalances, digestive disturbances, acupuncture can help. Acupuncture is an ancient healing practice that works on promoting peace and harmony deep within your body, mind and spirit.
My mission at Blue Sky Family Acupuncture is to help my patients thrive by helping them create and enact positive changes, as well as empowering my patients to take back control of their own health and wellness. Through the use of Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine and other complimentary modalities I am able to address a wide variety of internal health concerns and orthopedic pain conditions for patients of all ages. Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine helps to bring your body and spirit back into balance to help relieve pain, decrease stress and anxiety, promote healthy digestion, and much more.
My mission at Blue Sky Family Acupuncture is to help my patients thrive by helping them create and enact positive changes, as well as empowering my patients to take back control of their own health and wellness. Through the use of Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine and other complimentary modalities I am able to address a wide variety of internal health concerns and orthopedic pain conditions for patients of all ages. Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine helps to bring your body and spirit back into balance to help relieve pain, decrease stress and anxiety, promote healthy digestion, and much more.
Acupuncture in 80020 - is it right for me?
Acupuncture is based on the concepts of oriental medicine or traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and is one of the oldest healing practices in the world. 80020 acupuncturists are health care professionals who evaluate and treat the many conditions, aches and pains that respond to acupuncture.
Acupuncturists insert very fine acupuncture needles into the body. The purpose of the needles is to stimulate acupuncture points or meridians. The needles do not inject any substance into your body and are so fine as to be virtually impossible to feel. In some cases, acupuncture may be accompanied by electrical stimulation or the burning of moxa, a form of heat therapy. Or use acupressure, where physical pressure is applied by hand or elbow to trigger points with the aim of clearing blockages in these meridians.
'Accupuncture' and 'Accupuncturist' are common mis-spellings.
Acupuncturists insert very fine acupuncture needles into the body. The purpose of the needles is to stimulate acupuncture points or meridians. The needles do not inject any substance into your body and are so fine as to be virtually impossible to feel. In some cases, acupuncture may be accompanied by electrical stimulation or the burning of moxa, a form of heat therapy. Or use acupressure, where physical pressure is applied by hand or elbow to trigger points with the aim of clearing blockages in these meridians.
'Accupuncture' and 'Accupuncturist' are common mis-spellings.
Credentials for 80020 licensed acupuncturists?
A licensed acupuncturist in 80020 needs a minimum of two years college education and must complete three years of professional training and pass the State's approved licensing examination. The three year program includes both theory and hands-on clinical practice. Most States' professional training programs are accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (ACAOM) and by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM).