Moxibustion Acupuncturists near 32216

Photo of Julee Miller - Health Pointe Jacksonville, DAcCHM, AP, FABORM, Acupuncturist
Health Pointe Jacksonville
Acupuncturist, DAcCHM, AP, FABORM
Verified Verified
1 Endorsed
Jacksonville, FL 32216
At Health Pointe Jacksonville Acupuncture + Wellness Clinic, our mission is to transform lives for good. Our clinic specializes in treating Women’s Health and Infertility, chronic pain and other chronic difficult to treat medical issues in Jacksonville, FL using acupuncture, medical massage therapy, trigger point injections, vitamin injections and ozone therapy. Our goal is to help you recover your health so that you can return to living life to it’s fullest!
At Health Pointe Jacksonville Acupuncture + Wellness Clinic, our mission is to transform lives for good. Our clinic specializes in treating Women’s Health and Infertility, chronic pain and other chronic difficult to treat medical issues in Jacksonville, FL using acupuncture, medical massage therapy, trigger point injections, vitamin injections and ozone therapy. Our goal is to help you recover your health so that you can return to living life to it’s fullest!
(904) 270-9963 View (904) 270-9963
Moxibustion Acupuncturists
Moxibustion is an analgesic technique in which moxa, a flammable substance derived from the leaves of wormwood plants, is ignited on the skin.

If you're looking for help with moxibustion in 32216 or for a 32216 moxibustion acupuncture these moxibustion practitioners 32216 provide moxibustion therapy in 32216, chinese moxibustion (or moxabustion). They include moxibustion acupuncture professionals, moxibustion acupressure professionals, and moxibustion acupuncturists.