Functional Nutrition and Wellness
Nutritionist/Dietitian, RDN, CDN (she, her)
Verified by Verified by Psychology Today
Dryden, NY 13053
Let's Connect (607) 388-5191
I have experience working with individuals of all ages and welcome new clients. Clients work with me for a variety of reasons including but not limited to: nutrition guidance for a new disease diagnosis, food allergies, pre/postpartum nutrition, infertility, IBS, weight loss, weight gain and holistic nutrition and wellness counseling. I believe there is no one size fit all solution in nutrition. I offer a individualized approach based on your own goals, health needs and lifestyle.
All appointments are online via telehealth. Schedule a free 15 minute discovery call with me to see how I can help.
Call or Email Functional Nutrition and Wellness now for a free 15 minute consultation - (607) 388-5191
Let's Connect (607) 388-5191
- Individual Appointments $150
- Sliding scale: apply if you may be eligible
- Pay by American Express, Discover, Mastercard, Paypal, Venmo, Visa
- BlueCross and/or BlueShield
- Empire BlueCross
- United
Check fees and, if listed, ask to verify your insurance coverage. Email or (607) 388-5191
Functional Nutrition and Wellness
Nutritionist/Dietitian, RDN, CDN
- Verified by License: New York / 010284 Cecilia Hagen-Revelins
- In Practice for 8 Years
- License: Commission on Dietetics Registration 86118661 / 2021
- Cornell University, BS, Graduated 2018
Nutritionist/Dietitian: Cecilia Hagen-Revelins
Specialties and Expertise
Top Specialties
- Pregnancy
- Wellness Counseling
- Gastrointestinal (GI)
- High Blood Pressure
- Cholesterol
- Behavior Modification
- Corporate Wellness
- Diet and Nutrition
- Food Allergy
- Food Sensitivity
- Gluten Free
- Heart Health
- Lifestyle
- Pediatric Nutrition
- Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
- Postpartum Nutrition
Client Focus
Elders (65+) ,
Adults ,
Toddlers / Preschoolers (0 to 5)
Elders (65+) ,
Adults ,
Toddlers / Preschoolers (0 to 5)
Treatment Approach
- Family Nutritionist
- Holistic Nutritionist
- Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT)
- Registered Dietitian
Treatment Techniques
- Grocery Store Tours / Shopping
- Intuitive Eating
- Meal Plan
- Mindful Eating
- Non-Diet Approach
- Nutrition Coaching
- Nutrition Counseling
- Nutrition Therapy
Nearby Areas
Call for a free consultation now - (607) 388-5191
Functional Nutrition and Wellness
Nutritionist/Dietitian, RDN, CDN