Online Nutritionists and Dietitians in Glendale, AZ

Soy una nutrióloga registrada, bilingüe y latina, especializada en consejería nutricional y Terapia Nutricional Médica (TNM) para pacientes con Enfermedad Renal Crónica (ERC) en etapas 3-5 que aún no requieren diálisis. Mi objetivo es frenar la progresión de la ERC y mejorar los resultados de salud a través de modificaciones dietéticas personalizadas. ¡Puedo ayudarle a evitar llegar a la diálisis!
Soy una nutrióloga registrada, bilingüe y latina, especializada en consejería nutricional y Terapia Nutricional Médica (TNM) para pacientes con Enfermedad Renal Crónica (ERC) en etapas 3-5 que aún no requieren diálisis. Mi objetivo es frenar la progresión de la ERC y mejorar los resultados de salud a través de modificaciones dietéticas personalizadas. ¡Puedo ayudarle a evitar llegar a la diálisis!

Would you like help working on your relationship with food and your relationship with your body? There are so many confusing nutrition messages out there and no single plan works for every person. If you're looking for a dietitian with varied experience and a nonjudgemental approach, I would love to talk with you. With a whole-person approach, I meet people where they're at and help them set reasonable, attainable wellness goals. I use a non-diet, trauma-informed approach with HAES (Health at Every Size) alignment and Intuitive Eating at the forefront.
Would you like help working on your relationship with food and your relationship with your body? There are so many confusing nutrition messages out there and no single plan works for every person. If you're looking for a dietitian with varied experience and a nonjudgemental approach, I would love to talk with you. With a whole-person approach, I meet people where they're at and help them set reasonable, attainable wellness goals. I use a non-diet, trauma-informed approach with HAES (Health at Every Size) alignment and Intuitive Eating at the forefront.