My mission is to bring a kind of therapeutic massage to clients that encompasses their individual concerns and is effective yet comforting in its delivery. I welcome any challenge your acute or chronic issues may pose to my skills and knowledge as a therapist and pledge to do my best to meet them with the best personalized care available within my scope. Together, we will develop a therapeutic plan, including healthy habits (i.e., stretching routines, ergonomic work/exercise/sleep posturing, home therapies and exercises) that will supplement your sessions and ensure a quick and long-lasting response to treatment.
My mission is to bring a kind of therapeutic massage to clients that encompasses their individual concerns and is effective yet comforting in its delivery. I welcome any challenge your acute or chronic issues may pose to my skills and knowledge as a therapist and pledge to do my best to meet them with the best personalized care available within my scope. Together, we will develop a therapeutic plan, including healthy habits (i.e., stretching routines, ergonomic work/exercise/sleep posturing, home therapies and exercises) that will supplement your sessions and ensure a quick and long-lasting response to treatment.

I love masssage. It intrigues me to figure out from where the pain is coming, and what might be causing it. Having a natural gift for massage allows my fingers to find the knots before my clients can even tell me about them. I like to say that I enter a certain vortex of healing when I am massaging my clients. I am a massage therapist who really, genuinely cares. You will find me to be completely professional, honest and trustworthy with good character and a kind disposition.
I love masssage. It intrigues me to figure out from where the pain is coming, and what might be causing it. Having a natural gift for massage allows my fingers to find the knots before my clients can even tell me about them. I like to say that I enter a certain vortex of healing when I am massaging my clients. I am a massage therapist who really, genuinely cares. You will find me to be completely professional, honest and trustworthy with good character and a kind disposition.

Massage therapy is one of the quickest, safest and most direct paths to better health and relaxation. Manage and alleviate many uncomfortable conditions and uncover the person you really are. Explore massage therapy for better health and a new perspective.
Massage therapy is one of the quickest, safest and most direct paths to better health and relaxation. Manage and alleviate many uncomfortable conditions and uncover the person you really are. Explore massage therapy for better health and a new perspective.

Body Well specializes in nationwide at-home massage therapy for workers compensation and auto injuries. Our hand-picked licensed and insured massage therapists deliver prescribed therapy 7 days a week 9 am to 10 pm. We accept virtually all workers comp or auto insurance claims. Self-pay therapeutic massage in-home also available for homebound or disabled individuals. Give us a call today for information with no obligation.
Body Well specializes in nationwide at-home massage therapy for workers compensation and auto injuries. Our hand-picked licensed and insured massage therapists deliver prescribed therapy 7 days a week 9 am to 10 pm. We accept virtually all workers comp or auto insurance claims. Self-pay therapeutic massage in-home also available for homebound or disabled individuals. Give us a call today for information with no obligation.
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Hands-On America Massage Professionals
Massage Therapist, NMT, LMT, CMT, MLD
Verified Verified
Alpharetta, GA 30009
We've been serving the Atlanta Area for over 28 years, with focus in Injury/Rehabilitation and Prevention Massage. If you're looking for ultimate relaxation and a healthier you - you've found it. We specialize in a wide range of personalized massage techniques which are committed to your comfort and satisfaction. Besides relaxation, massage can benefit the body in many other ways and has been found to improve circulation, joint range-of-motion and flexibility. It can help reduce many common ailments including stress, muscle tightness, aches and pains - even anxiety and depression.
We've been serving the Atlanta Area for over 28 years, with focus in Injury/Rehabilitation and Prevention Massage. If you're looking for ultimate relaxation and a healthier you - you've found it. We specialize in a wide range of personalized massage techniques which are committed to your comfort and satisfaction. Besides relaxation, massage can benefit the body in many other ways and has been found to improve circulation, joint range-of-motion and flexibility. It can help reduce many common ailments including stress, muscle tightness, aches and pains - even anxiety and depression.

Roger Dickinson believes that complete healing encompasses the body, mind, and spirit. Massage therapy significantly benefited his personal healing process over the past five years, and is passionate about passing these benefits on to others through holistic modalities.
Roger Dickinson believes that complete healing encompasses the body, mind, and spirit. Massage therapy significantly benefited his personal healing process over the past five years, and is passionate about passing these benefits on to others through holistic modalities.

Are you suffering from headaches or chronic neck, low back, shoulder, arm and pelvic region pain? Have you been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and/or chronic fatigue syndrome and are not satisfied with the results that you're getting from you current healthcare practitioner(s)? If any of this applies to you then you should consider receiving a series of treatments from a highly-skilled and experienced Neuromuscular Massage Therapist, such as myself. Neuromuscular Therapy is designed to bring balance to the body's whole musculo-skeletal system. Combined with proper diet and exercise, it can bring life-changing pain relief.
Are you suffering from headaches or chronic neck, low back, shoulder, arm and pelvic region pain? Have you been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and/or chronic fatigue syndrome and are not satisfied with the results that you're getting from you current healthcare practitioner(s)? If any of this applies to you then you should consider receiving a series of treatments from a highly-skilled and experienced Neuromuscular Massage Therapist, such as myself. Neuromuscular Therapy is designed to bring balance to the body's whole musculo-skeletal system. Combined with proper diet and exercise, it can bring life-changing pain relief.
Sports Massage Therapists
If you're looking for sports massage in Atlanta or for an Atlanta sports massage therapist, these therapists specialize in sports massage therapy Atlanta. The Atlanta sports massage therapists are trained practitioners specializing in sports medicine massage Atlanta. They provide sports injury massage Atlanta, sports foot massage Atlanta, and sports deep tissue massage Atlanta. Sports massage therapy Atlanta and sports massage therapists Atlanta can help you get back in the game quickly.