Terry Chambers DC, FAACA.,Dipl. Ac (ACCA), CICE
Board Certified Doctor of Chiropractic and Acupuncturist. I have been in practice for 32 years and my clinic has had over 32,200 different patients. Licensed and credentialed in acupuncture and chiropractic in the State of West Virginia. At Chambers Chiropractic & Acupuncture, we specialize in chronic and difficult cases. Our goal is to find a non-drug related treatment for your condition. We focus on treating and correcting the cause of your problem, not just masking the symptoms. That is why we provide health care, not just drug care.
Terry Chambers DC, FAACA.,Dipl. Ac (ACCA), CICE
Board Certified Doctor of Chiropractic and Acupuncturist. I have been in practice for 32 years and my clinic has had over 32,200 different patients. Licensed and credentialed in acupuncture and chiropractic in the State of West Virginia. At Chambers Chiropractic & Acupuncture, we specialize in chronic and difficult cases. Our goal is to find a non-drug related treatment for your condition. We focus on treating and correcting the cause of your problem, not just masking the symptoms. That is why we provide health care, not just drug care.
Spinal Pain Chiropractors
If you're looking for chiropractors spinal pain in West Virginia or a West Virginia chiropractors spinal pain, or chiropractors West Virginia spinal pain, these chiropractors provide spinal decompression, spinal stenosis, spinal adjustment, spinal manipulation, spinal care, and spinal health. Network spinal analysis chiropractic is also provided. Learn about sciatic relief and sciatic pain care. Chiropractors treating sciatica provide sciatic pain relief.