Dr. Furjes' Office is a complete approach to holistic health. Chiropractic adjustments, physical therapy, acupuncture, nutritional counseling, massage therapy, auricular therapy, decompression therapy, and traction round out the treatment options. We do digital X-Ray Imaging and EMI Graphing (acupuncture meridians) as well. All types of cases are welcome from the "catch in the back" to the more severe degenerative diseases. Now Offering Weight Loss (Chiro Thin) My staff of 2 male chiropractors, 1 female massage therapist,3 friendly receptionists (CA) and an insurance expert (my wife Carolyn). We will all make sure you quickly see a doctor.
Dr. Furjes' Office is a complete approach to holistic health. Chiropractic adjustments, physical therapy, acupuncture, nutritional counseling, massage therapy, auricular therapy, decompression therapy, and traction round out the treatment options. We do digital X-Ray Imaging and EMI Graphing (acupuncture meridians) as well. All types of cases are welcome from the "catch in the back" to the more severe degenerative diseases. Now Offering Weight Loss (Chiro Thin) My staff of 2 male chiropractors, 1 female massage therapist,3 friendly receptionists (CA) and an insurance expert (my wife Carolyn). We will all make sure you quickly see a doctor.
At Frontier Integrated Health Center we are a multidisciplined facility where MD's, Chiropractors, Physical Therapists, Naturopath's, Acupuncturists and Sports Physicians work together to provide a complete approach to all health care issues. This is truly how health care should be! We are providers for most insurance companies, and work with all our patient's to make care affordable. For the Doctors and Staff at Frontier great patient care is always the priority!
At Frontier Integrated Health Center we are a multidisciplined facility where MD's, Chiropractors, Physical Therapists, Naturopath's, Acupuncturists and Sports Physicians work together to provide a complete approach to all health care issues. This is truly how health care should be! We are providers for most insurance companies, and work with all our patient's to make care affordable. For the Doctors and Staff at Frontier great patient care is always the priority!
Our mission at Kirkwood Spine and Rehab is to provide our patients with quality chiropractic care designed to meet their individual needs.
Kirkwood Spine and Rehab is equipped with modern chiropractic equipment and technology. We specialize in chiropractic care, spinal rehabilitation, nutritional counseling, orthotics, and have an on-site x-ray facility. We sincerely care about each of our patients and strive to get the best results with efficient and effective chiropractic care.
Our mission at Kirkwood Spine and Rehab is to provide our patients with quality chiropractic care designed to meet their individual needs.
Kirkwood Spine and Rehab is equipped with modern chiropractic equipment and technology. We specialize in chiropractic care, spinal rehabilitation, nutritional counseling, orthotics, and have an on-site x-ray facility. We sincerely care about each of our patients and strive to get the best results with efficient and effective chiropractic care.
My ideal client is looking for a solution to a health concern that either has no medical solution, or for which the only known solution is medication or surgery. Many people come to me for allergy symptoms (eczema, congestion, digestive complaints, etc.), digestive issues (bloating, constipation, diarrhea, IBS, SIBO, candida), chronic infections and many other health concerns. The techniques I use are gentle enough for people in almost any condition (I have treated newborns, geriatric patients, and patients with spinal metastasis). I have helped patients avoid an array of unwanted treatments from antibiotics to spinal surgery.
My ideal client is looking for a solution to a health concern that either has no medical solution, or for which the only known solution is medication or surgery. Many people come to me for allergy symptoms (eczema, congestion, digestive complaints, etc.), digestive issues (bloating, constipation, diarrhea, IBS, SIBO, candida), chronic infections and many other health concerns. The techniques I use are gentle enough for people in almost any condition (I have treated newborns, geriatric patients, and patients with spinal metastasis). I have helped patients avoid an array of unwanted treatments from antibiotics to spinal surgery.
Spinal Pain Chiropractors
If you're looking for chiropractors spinal pain in Saint Louis or a Saint Louis chiropractors spinal pain, or chiropractors Saint Louis spinal pain, these chiropractors provide spinal decompression, spinal stenosis, spinal adjustment, spinal manipulation, spinal care, and spinal health. Network spinal analysis chiropractic is also provided. Learn about sciatic relief and sciatic pain care. Chiropractors treating sciatica provide sciatic pain relief.