I correct Head Ache, Neck & Back Pain or Sciatica, Pinched Nerves, Whiplash & much more. As a native of Louisville, Ky, I specialize in gentle SHORT-TERM neck and back pain relief. My objective is to get you fixed as fast as possible and release you from care. I provide mainstream, affordable, convenient, gentle-yet effective quality care. I work FOR YOU. Tell me WHAT YOU WANT and I WILL MAKE IT HAPPEN. Treatment is comfortable and scientifically proven without the use of twisting and turning the spine. No hidden cost, No surprises. Walk-Ins Welcomed.
I correct Head Ache, Neck & Back Pain or Sciatica, Pinched Nerves, Whiplash & much more. As a native of Louisville, Ky, I specialize in gentle SHORT-TERM neck and back pain relief. My objective is to get you fixed as fast as possible and release you from care. I provide mainstream, affordable, convenient, gentle-yet effective quality care. I work FOR YOU. Tell me WHAT YOU WANT and I WILL MAKE IT HAPPEN. Treatment is comfortable and scientifically proven without the use of twisting and turning the spine. No hidden cost, No surprises. Walk-Ins Welcomed.
Fibromyalgia Chiropractors
If you're looking for chiropractors fibromyalgia in Louisville or a Louisville chiropractors fibromyalgia, or chiropractor Louisville fibromyalgia, these chiropractic professionals provide treatment for fibromyalgia, and chiropractic care for fibromyalgia relief. Use a chiropractor for fibromyalgia specializing in fibromyalgia pain relief.