Dr. Mark, Board Certified in Atlas Orthogonal, found great relief from pain through Chiropractic and realized this was his passion. Originally an Electrical Engineer, attending Palmer College of Chiropractic, Dr. Mark experienced the gentle precision of Atlas Orthogonal and interned at the Sweat Institute of Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic with Dr. Roy Sweat, the inventor of Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic. After two years of intensive instruction in Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic, Dr. Mark returned to Chicago to help Chicagoland get rid of pain. It is very rewarding to see the smiling face of my patients when they are no longer bothered by pain.
Dr. Mark, Board Certified in Atlas Orthogonal, found great relief from pain through Chiropractic and realized this was his passion. Originally an Electrical Engineer, attending Palmer College of Chiropractic, Dr. Mark experienced the gentle precision of Atlas Orthogonal and interned at the Sweat Institute of Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic with Dr. Roy Sweat, the inventor of Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic. After two years of intensive instruction in Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic, Dr. Mark returned to Chicago to help Chicagoland get rid of pain. It is very rewarding to see the smiling face of my patients when they are no longer bothered by pain.
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Lansing Chiropractic Clinic/Wellnes Medical
Chiropractor, BSDC, AASP, ICS, ACA
Verified Verified
Lansing, IL 60438
Our Facilities incorporate state-of-the art FDA Approved Vax-D/DTS and Flexion/Distraction Decompression Tables; As seen on Local and National News Media outlets. We only utilize the latest proven most effective technologies available, all without using drugs or invasive surgery. Xrays/Labwork/Orthotics/Comprehensive PT Department/Tens Units/Towel Traction/Laser/Ear Lavage/Acupuncture/Massage/Nutritional Supplements and Diet Education with Ongoing Support, Counseling/Smoking Cessation/Vaccinations/Prescriptions/PNF/Herniated/ Cervical/Thoracic/Lumbar Discs/Supports/Hydrotherapy/Carpal Tunnel Syndrome/Peripheral Vascular Disease/Diabetes/Pain Management/TENS Units Placement/Exercise/ECG's with 24 hr Services upon request.
Our Facilities incorporate state-of-the art FDA Approved Vax-D/DTS and Flexion/Distraction Decompression Tables; As seen on Local and National News Media outlets. We only utilize the latest proven most effective technologies available, all without using drugs or invasive surgery. Xrays/Labwork/Orthotics/Comprehensive PT Department/Tens Units/Towel Traction/Laser/Ear Lavage/Acupuncture/Massage/Nutritional Supplements and Diet Education with Ongoing Support, Counseling/Smoking Cessation/Vaccinations/Prescriptions/PNF/Herniated/ Cervical/Thoracic/Lumbar Discs/Supports/Hydrotherapy/Carpal Tunnel Syndrome/Peripheral Vascular Disease/Diabetes/Pain Management/TENS Units Placement/Exercise/ECG's with 24 hr Services upon request.

Chiropractic care is more than just making the pain disappear. It is about learning, understanding and taking care of your body to improve quality of life.
I educate my patients about Chiropractic and other natural solutions to common health problems. I will help you pursue a more active and responsible role in restoring and maintaining your optimal health.
As a chiropractor, I understand that although my patients may be diagnosed with the same condition, they may respond very differently to treatments. For this reason, I tailor a specific plan of action to meet your needs, goals & unique medical and physical condition.
Chiropractic care is more than just making the pain disappear. It is about learning, understanding and taking care of your body to improve quality of life.
I educate my patients about Chiropractic and other natural solutions to common health problems. I will help you pursue a more active and responsible role in restoring and maintaining your optimal health.
As a chiropractor, I understand that although my patients may be diagnosed with the same condition, they may respond very differently to treatments. For this reason, I tailor a specific plan of action to meet your needs, goals & unique medical and physical condition.

We offer a unique approach with expert, practical care combining chiropractic, nutrition and other modalities to help you with health, wellness and pain management.
We offer a unique approach with expert, practical care combining chiropractic, nutrition and other modalities to help you with health, wellness and pain management.
Cox Chiropractors
The Cox technique reverses the harmful effect of gravity on spinal discs and joints. It is meant to reverse a herniated disc condition--most often in the lower back. If you're looking for help with cox in Chicago or for a Chicago cox chiropractor these professionals provide chiropractic help, chiropractic care and chiropractic adjustments. They include cox chiropractic professionals, cox chiro professionals, cox chiropractors, and cox chiros.