Dr Bob Johnson is a Mira Mesa Chiropractor in practice since 1986. Located just off the 15 freeway.
We treat people injured in San Diego car accidents and work injuries. We are successful in treating neck pain, back pain, headaches, sports injuries with chiropractic manipulative therapy, muscle work, physiotherapy modalities such as electrical stim.
Massage therapists available by appointment
Dr Bob Johnson is a Mira Mesa Chiropractor in practice since 1986. Located just off the 15 freeway.
We treat people injured in San Diego car accidents and work injuries. We are successful in treating neck pain, back pain, headaches, sports injuries with chiropractic manipulative therapy, muscle work, physiotherapy modalities such as electrical stim.
Massage therapists available by appointment

Quick pain relief and return to normal ability is my main focus. Thoroughness in exam and treatment and has been my goal over the past 35 years. I help patients with pain, muscle spasm, stiffness and movement restrictions, often from injuries or accidents. Mostly musculoskeletal problems but not limited to those problems, I help headaches. I help patients discover the cause of their symptoms. I prefer to help those patients that are motivated to help themselves, a teamwork approach between the patient and myself. I have experienced many basic injuries and know first-hand the pain and healing of these injuries.
Quick pain relief and return to normal ability is my main focus. Thoroughness in exam and treatment and has been my goal over the past 35 years. I help patients with pain, muscle spasm, stiffness and movement restrictions, often from injuries or accidents. Mostly musculoskeletal problems but not limited to those problems, I help headaches. I help patients discover the cause of their symptoms. I prefer to help those patients that are motivated to help themselves, a teamwork approach between the patient and myself. I have experienced many basic injuries and know first-hand the pain and healing of these injuries.

With more than 25 years in practice, we have the experience and gentle touch you want. Dr Whalen is a specialist who lectures other doctors on neurology and workers' compensation. He'll take the time to get to the bottom of your problem, and work with you to develop a treatment plan based on your needs, as well as the latest research on what is most effective. We offer a variety of treatment approaches, from traditional manipulation to low force and non-force methods. In addition, we can provide you with tailored exercises, and various physiotherapy techniques.
With more than 25 years in practice, we have the experience and gentle touch you want. Dr Whalen is a specialist who lectures other doctors on neurology and workers' compensation. He'll take the time to get to the bottom of your problem, and work with you to develop a treatment plan based on your needs, as well as the latest research on what is most effective. We offer a variety of treatment approaches, from traditional manipulation to low force and non-force methods. In addition, we can provide you with tailored exercises, and various physiotherapy techniques.
Cox Chiropractors
The Cox technique reverses the harmful effect of gravity on spinal discs and joints. It is meant to reverse a herniated disc condition--most often in the lower back. If you're looking for help with cox in San Diego or for a San Diego cox chiropractor these professionals provide chiropractic help, chiropractic care and chiropractic adjustments. They include cox chiropractic professionals, cox chiro professionals, cox chiropractors, and cox chiros.