As a professional acupuncturist since 2000 Dr. Gong has practiced general acupuncture at the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in Zhuhai, China, sports acupuncture at the Zhuhai Sports School and patients at a cancer center for side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Since moving to Kansas in 2007 Dr. Gong has successfully treated patients in Iola and Overland Park with acupuncture, cupping, massage and herbals for conditions including knee injuries, tumors and stroke. Dr. Gong frequently returns to China to keep her education current to enable her to successfully meet the challenges presented by new diseases as they arise.
As a professional acupuncturist since 2000 Dr. Gong has practiced general acupuncture at the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in Zhuhai, China, sports acupuncture at the Zhuhai Sports School and patients at a cancer center for side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Since moving to Kansas in 2007 Dr. Gong has successfully treated patients in Iola and Overland Park with acupuncture, cupping, massage and herbals for conditions including knee injuries, tumors and stroke. Dr. Gong frequently returns to China to keep her education current to enable her to successfully meet the challenges presented by new diseases as they arise.
Acupuncture works to open signaling in your body, enhancing activity along pathways that signal energetic, chemical, nutritional and hormonal resources your body needs to heal and maintain health. Whether you have headaches, pain, fatigue, or dysfunction, acupuncture can optimize health, as well as relieve symptoms, naturally.
Initial visit starts with discussion of your history and current condition, as well as your goals for treatment. I do Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) tongue and pulse reading to aid diagnosis, and design a treatment plan specifically for you. The initial visit includes your first treatment.
Acupuncture works to open signaling in your body, enhancing activity along pathways that signal energetic, chemical, nutritional and hormonal resources your body needs to heal and maintain health. Whether you have headaches, pain, fatigue, or dysfunction, acupuncture can optimize health, as well as relieve symptoms, naturally.
Initial visit starts with discussion of your history and current condition, as well as your goals for treatment. I do Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) tongue and pulse reading to aid diagnosis, and design a treatment plan specifically for you. The initial visit includes your first treatment.
I utilize an integral model of healing that recognizes the need for providing care that enhances health in all aspects of our being, including the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social. How these aspects influence our sense of well being is individual and unique but often involves a sense of the spiritual, an integral worldview, and discovering deep underlying contributing factors that affect our health. Through gaining knowledge and wisdom to assist our understanding of these aspects of self and how they are involved in our health are beneficial and necessary components for healing and living life to our highest potential.
I utilize an integral model of healing that recognizes the need for providing care that enhances health in all aspects of our being, including the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social. How these aspects influence our sense of well being is individual and unique but often involves a sense of the spiritual, an integral worldview, and discovering deep underlying contributing factors that affect our health. Through gaining knowledge and wisdom to assist our understanding of these aspects of self and how they are involved in our health are beneficial and necessary components for healing and living life to our highest potential.
The mission of my clinical practice is dedicated to integrating the best of traditional and contemporary medicine to eliminate any pain and discomfort that our patients may suffer, and to improve their lives physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally by reinforcing balance in the body and positive energy in the mind. With optimal personalized treatment from my knowledge and more than 30-year experiences of practices , I seek to find the root imbalance that lies underneath the symptoms, adjust those imbalances with acupuncture and herbs, and enhance your own recovery systems to obtain the best results without side effect.
The mission of my clinical practice is dedicated to integrating the best of traditional and contemporary medicine to eliminate any pain and discomfort that our patients may suffer, and to improve their lives physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally by reinforcing balance in the body and positive energy in the mind. With optimal personalized treatment from my knowledge and more than 30-year experiences of practices , I seek to find the root imbalance that lies underneath the symptoms, adjust those imbalances with acupuncture and herbs, and enhance your own recovery systems to obtain the best results without side effect.
Being Licensed Acupuncturist and RN in USA and MD in China, I strive to provide the best health care possible through the traditions of acupuncture and Chinese medicine. My goal is to eliminate any pain and discomfort that my patients may have, and to improve their lives physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally by reinforcing balance in the body and positive energy in the mind. Through optimal personalized treatment for each patient, I would like to address each patient's individual needs and symptoms by treating the ROOT cause and treating the body as a whole rather than a single disease term .
Being Licensed Acupuncturist and RN in USA and MD in China, I strive to provide the best health care possible through the traditions of acupuncture and Chinese medicine. My goal is to eliminate any pain and discomfort that my patients may have, and to improve their lives physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally by reinforcing balance in the body and positive energy in the mind. Through optimal personalized treatment for each patient, I would like to address each patient's individual needs and symptoms by treating the ROOT cause and treating the body as a whole rather than a single disease term .
Heartland Oriental Medicine, LLC
Acupuncturist, DOM, LAc, Dipl, OM
Verified Verified
1 Endorsed
Wichita, KS 67206
As a Licensed Acupuncturist (L.Ac.) and Doctor of Oriental Medicine (D.O.M.), many of my patients come to me after a long time of unsuccessful search for relief from a wide range of conditions (see patients' Testimonials in our website
As a Licensed Acupuncturist (L.Ac.) and Doctor of Oriental Medicine (D.O.M.), many of my patients come to me after a long time of unsuccessful search for relief from a wide range of conditions (see patients' Testimonials in our website
I graduated from medical school in Beijing, and learned Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) from top experts in China. I have practiced TCM in Kansas City for 19 years. Beyond my proficient acupuncture skills, I am specialized in Chinese Herbology. With my profound knowledge and unique understanding of Eastern philosophy, and combining my medical background, I have lots of successful treatment cases in a variety of common and difficult disorders. These may be as common as allergies, flu, common cold, fatigue, and various pains, or as difficult as infertility, stroke, MS, or PD.
I graduated from medical school in Beijing, and learned Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) from top experts in China. I have practiced TCM in Kansas City for 19 years. Beyond my proficient acupuncture skills, I am specialized in Chinese Herbology. With my profound knowledge and unique understanding of Eastern philosophy, and combining my medical background, I have lots of successful treatment cases in a variety of common and difficult disorders. These may be as common as allergies, flu, common cold, fatigue, and various pains, or as difficult as infertility, stroke, MS, or PD.
Acupuncture in Kansas - is it right for me?
Acupuncture is based on the concepts of oriental medicine or traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and is one of the oldest healing practices in the world. Kansas acupuncturists are health care professionals who evaluate and treat the many conditions, aches and pains that respond to acupuncture.
Acupuncturists insert very fine acupuncture needles into the body. The purpose of the needles is to stimulate acupuncture points or meridians. The needles do not inject any substance into your body and are so fine as to be virtually impossible to feel. In some cases, acupuncture may be accompanied by electrical stimulation or the burning of moxa, a form of heat therapy. Or use acupressure, where physical pressure is applied by hand or elbow to trigger points with the aim of clearing blockages in these meridians.
'Accupuncture' and 'Accupuncturist' are common mis-spellings.
Acupuncturists insert very fine acupuncture needles into the body. The purpose of the needles is to stimulate acupuncture points or meridians. The needles do not inject any substance into your body and are so fine as to be virtually impossible to feel. In some cases, acupuncture may be accompanied by electrical stimulation or the burning of moxa, a form of heat therapy. Or use acupressure, where physical pressure is applied by hand or elbow to trigger points with the aim of clearing blockages in these meridians.
'Accupuncture' and 'Accupuncturist' are common mis-spellings.
Credentials for Kansas licensed acupuncturists?
A licensed acupuncturist in Kansas needs a minimum of two years college education and must complete three years of professional training and pass the State's approved licensing examination. The three year program includes both theory and hands-on clinical practice. Most States' professional training programs are accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (ACAOM) and by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM).