I have practiced and taught Classical Five-Element Acupuncture exclusively for 42 years. I focus on the unique individual patient before me, not labeled diseases or symptoms, which are only the expression of a deeper imbalance. My aim is to identify and resolve the core imbalance, whether it be at the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, or all of the above. In this way, symptoms resolve naturally and effortlessly.
I have practiced and taught Classical Five-Element Acupuncture exclusively for 42 years. I focus on the unique individual patient before me, not labeled diseases or symptoms, which are only the expression of a deeper imbalance. My aim is to identify and resolve the core imbalance, whether it be at the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, or all of the above. In this way, symptoms resolve naturally and effortlessly.
My ideal client is interested in returning themselves to optimal health, and is interested in doing what it takes to achieve that. I use acupuncture and Functional Medicine- science based herbalism and nutrition- to help them achieve these goals. I specialize in treating orthopedic pain conditions, Hashimotos's thyroiditis, Metabolic Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, autoimmune, digestive, inflammatory, and chronic ill health conditions. The mechanisms behind these are one and proper identification of the underlying issues and proper treatment and lifestyle modification can have a dramatic impact. I use modern lab work along with traditional methods to identify these issues.
My ideal client is interested in returning themselves to optimal health, and is interested in doing what it takes to achieve that. I use acupuncture and Functional Medicine- science based herbalism and nutrition- to help them achieve these goals. I specialize in treating orthopedic pain conditions, Hashimotos's thyroiditis, Metabolic Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, autoimmune, digestive, inflammatory, and chronic ill health conditions. The mechanisms behind these are one and proper identification of the underlying issues and proper treatment and lifestyle modification can have a dramatic impact. I use modern lab work along with traditional methods to identify these issues.
Moxibustion Acupuncturists
Moxibustion is an analgesic technique in which moxa, a flammable substance derived from the leaves of wormwood plants, is ignited on the skin.
If you're looking for help with moxibustion in 90232 or for an 90232 moxibustion acupuncture these moxibustion practitioners 90232 provide moxibustion therapy in 90232, chinese moxibustion (or moxabustion). They include moxibustion acupuncture professionals, moxibustion acupressure professionals, and moxibustion acupuncturists.
If you're looking for help with moxibustion in 90232 or for an 90232 moxibustion acupuncture these moxibustion practitioners 90232 provide moxibustion therapy in 90232, chinese moxibustion (or moxabustion). They include moxibustion acupuncture professionals, moxibustion acupressure professionals, and moxibustion acupuncturists.