I have both degrees of Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine. The combined degrees allow me to have a good understanding of pathology from both disciplines. I have successfully treated many high blood pressure, thyroid diseases, chronic hives and acne cases and helped infertile couples procreate. I have had some terminal cancer patients that have been treated with traditional medicine. Have extensive experience in treating chronic diseases, cancer support treatment, infertility, hypertension, thyroid diseases, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, and all kinds of aches, anxiety/depression, sinus problems, allergies, stroke as well as helping people to quit addictive substances.
I have both degrees of Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine. The combined degrees allow me to have a good understanding of pathology from both disciplines. I have successfully treated many high blood pressure, thyroid diseases, chronic hives and acne cases and helped infertile couples procreate. I have had some terminal cancer patients that have been treated with traditional medicine. Have extensive experience in treating chronic diseases, cancer support treatment, infertility, hypertension, thyroid diseases, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, and all kinds of aches, anxiety/depression, sinus problems, allergies, stroke as well as helping people to quit addictive substances.
Moxibustion Acupuncturists
Moxibustion is an analgesic technique in which moxa, a flammable substance derived from the leaves of wormwood plants, is ignited on the skin.
If you're looking for help with moxibustion in 85007 or for a 85007 moxibustion acupuncture these moxibustion practitioners 85007 provide moxibustion therapy in 85007, chinese moxibustion (or moxabustion). They include moxibustion acupuncture professionals, moxibustion acupressure professionals, and moxibustion acupuncturists.
If you're looking for help with moxibustion in 85007 or for a 85007 moxibustion acupuncture these moxibustion practitioners 85007 provide moxibustion therapy in 85007, chinese moxibustion (or moxabustion). They include moxibustion acupuncture professionals, moxibustion acupressure professionals, and moxibustion acupuncturists.