Moxibustion Acupuncturists near 15203

Photo of Amy Green, LAc, MAc, Acupuncturist
Amy Green
Acupuncturist, LAc, MAc
Verified Verified
Pittsburgh, PA 15203
Amy Green is a highly skilled neurofunctional, sports and orthopedic acupuncturist with 24 years of clinical experience. She has served as a mentor for both acupuncturists and massage therapists/bodyworkers. Amy works with patients suffering from acute or chronic pain, injuries, migraines and those who need pre and post-surgical support. She enjoys helping those who have fallen through the cracks of the health care system and need support finding both hope and relief.
Amy Green is a highly skilled neurofunctional, sports and orthopedic acupuncturist with 24 years of clinical experience. She has served as a mentor for both acupuncturists and massage therapists/bodyworkers. Amy works with patients suffering from acute or chronic pain, injuries, migraines and those who need pre and post-surgical support. She enjoys helping those who have fallen through the cracks of the health care system and need support finding both hope and relief.
(412) 231-9293 View (412) 231-9293
Moxibustion Acupuncturists
Moxibustion is an analgesic technique in which moxa, a flammable substance derived from the leaves of wormwood plants, is ignited on the skin.

If you're looking for help with moxibustion in 15203 or for a 15203 moxibustion acupuncture these moxibustion practitioners 15203 provide moxibustion therapy in 15203, chinese moxibustion (or moxabustion). They include moxibustion acupuncture professionals, moxibustion acupressure professionals, and moxibustion acupuncturists.